This problem is identical to Voronoi, but solves mechanical equilibrium in the microstructure with grain-dependent moduli. This problem tests the following capabilities
The following is the result in 2D:
Two-dimensional |
Serial |
Validated using check script |
65.12s (beaker) 45.09s (statler) 70.39s (github) 29.65s (waldorf) |
./bin/alamo-2d-g++ tests/VoronoiElastic/input
Two-dimensional |
Serial |
Not validated |
./bin/alamo-2d-g++ tests/VoronoiElastic/input stop_time="0.001" mechanics.solver.fixed_iter="10"
Two-dimensional |
Parallel (4 procs) |
Validated using check script |
19.99s (beaker) 16.68s (statler) 9.4s (waldorf) |
mpiexec -np 4 ./bin/alamo-2d-g++ tests/VoronoiElastic/input
Input file (../../tests/VoronoiElastic/input)
#@ [2d-serial]
#@ dim=2
#@ benchmark-beaker = 65.12
#@ benchmark-statler = 45.09
#@ benchmark-github = 70.39
#@ benchmark-waldorf = 29.65
#@ [2d-serial-coverage]
#@ dim = 2
#@ coverage = true
#@ check = false
#@ args = stop_time=0.001
#@ args = mechanics.solver.fixed_iter=10
#@ [2d-parallel]
#@ dim=2
#@ nprocs=4
#@ benchmark-beaker=19.99
#@ benchmark-statler=16.68
#@ benchmark-waldorf=9.4
alamo.program = microstructure
plot_file = tests/VoronoiElastic/output
timestep = 0.0005
stop_time = 0.1
amr.plot_dt = 0.01
amr.max_level = 2
amr.n_cell = 64 64 64
amr.max_grid_size = 8
amr.blocking_factor = 8
amr.base_regrid_int = 100
amr.grid_eff = 1.0
amr.ref_threshold = 0.1
amr.cell.all = 1
amr.max_grid_size = 8
ic.type = voronoi
ic.voronoi.number_of_grains = 40
geometry.prob_lo = 0 0 0
geometry.prob_hi = 5 5 5
geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 0
bc.eta.constant.type.xhi = neumann
bc.eta.constant.type.xlo = neumann
bc.eta.constant.type.yhi = neumann
bc.eta.constant.type.ylo = neumann
bc.eta.constant.type.zhi = neumann
bc.eta.constant.type.zlo = neumann
pf.number_of_grains = 10
pf.M = 1.0
pf.mu = 10.0
pf.gamma = 1.0
pf.l_gb = 0.05
pf.sigma0 = 0.075
mechanics.interval = 10
mechanics.type = static
mechanics.bc.type = constant
mechanics.bc.constant.type.xlo = disp disp disp
mechanics.bc.constant.type.xhi = disp disp disp
mechanics.bc.constant.type.xloyhi = disp disp disp
mechanics.bc.constant.type.xhiyhi = disp disp disp
mechanics.bc.constant.type.ylo = neumann neumann neumann
mechanics.bc.constant.type.yhi = neumann neumann neumann
mechanics.bc.constant.val.xhi = 0.0 0.01 0.0
mechanics.bc.constant.val.xlo = 0.0 0.0 0.0
mechanics.bc.constant.val.xhiyhi = 0.0 0.01 0.0
mechanics.bc.constant.val.xloyhi = 0.0 0.0 0.0
mechanics.bc.constant.val.xhiylo = 0.0 0.01 0.0
mechanics.bc.constant.val.xloylo = 0.0 0.0 0.0
mechanics.bc.constant.val.yhi = 0.0 0.0 0.0
mechanics.bc.constant.val.ylo = 0.0 0.0 0.0
mechanics.model.C11 = 1.68
mechanics.model.C12 = 1.21
mechanics.model.C44 = 0.75
mechanics.model.random = 1
#mechanics.solver.fixed_iter = 100
mechanics.solver.verbose = 3
mechanics.print_model = 1
mechanics.print_residual = 1
mechanics.solver.tol_rel = 1E-8
mechanics.solver.tol_abs = 1E-8
mechanics.solver.average_down_coeffs = 0
mechanics.time_evolving = 0
mechanics.tstart = 0