



Validated using check script

./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/EshelbyFiniteKinematics/input
Input file (../../tests/EshelbyFiniteKinematics/input)
#@  [2D-serial]
#@  exe = mechanics
#@  dim    = 2
#@  nprocs = 1

alamo.program = mechanics
alamo.program.mechanics.model = finite.neohookeanpre

plot_file		    = tests/EshelbyFiniteKinematics/output

# this is not a time integration, so do
# exactly one timestep and then quit
timestep		    = 0.1
stop_time		    = 0.1

# amr parameters
amr.plot_int		    = 1
amr.max_level		    = 5
amr.n_cell		    = 32 32 32
amr.blocking_factor	    = 8
amr.regrid_int		    = 1
amr.grid_eff		    = 1.0
amr.cell.all                = 1

# geometry
geometry.prob_lo	    = -8 -8 -8 
geometry.prob_hi	    = 8 8 8
geometry.is_periodic	    = 0 0 0

# ellipse configuration
ic.type        = ellipse
ic.ellipse.a   = 1.0 0.75 0.5  # ellipse radii
ic.ellipse.x0  = 0 0 0 # location of ellipse center
ic.ellipse.eps = 0.1 # diffuse boundary

# elastic moduli
nmodels = 2
model1.E = 210 = 0.3
model1.eps0  = 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 # eigenstrain
model2.E = 210 = 0.3
model2.eps0  = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # eigenstrain

solver.verbose = 3
solver.nriters = 1000
solver.nrtolerance = 1E-6
solver.max_iter = 20