



Validated using check script

./bin/alamo-2d-g++ tests/SCPThermalSandwich/input  stop_time="0.001" amr.plot_dt="0.001"




Not validated

./bin/alamo-2d-g++ tests/SCPThermalSandwich/input  stop_time="1.0e-4"



Parallel (4 procs)

Validated using check script

mpiexec -np 4 ./bin/alamo-2d-g++ tests/SCPThermalSandwich/input
Input file (../../tests/SCPThermalSandwich/input)
#@ [2d-serial]
#@ dim = 2
#@ check = true
#@ check-file = reference/serial.dat
#@ args = stop_time=0.001
#@ args = amr.plot_dt=0.001
#@ [2d-serial-coverage]
#@ dim = 2
#@ check = false
#@ args = stop_time=1.0e-4
#@ coverage = true
#@ [2d-parallel]
#@ dim = 2
#@ nprocs = 4
#@ check = true
#@ check-file = reference/reference.csv

alamo.program = flame

# * = you almost definitely don't need to change this

plot_file = tests/SCPThermalSandwich/output
amr.plot_dt = 0.001
amr.max_level = 7
amr.max_grid_size = 50
amr.blocking_factor = 2
amr.base_regrid_int = 10
amr.grid_eff = 0.8
amr.refinement_criterion = 0.1
amr.refinement_criterion_temp = 10.0
amr.refinement_restriction = 0.1

amr.n_cell = 16 2 2
geometry.prob_lo = 0.0 -0.00025 -0.00025 # [ m ] 
geometry.prob_hi = 0.004 0.00025 0.00025 # [ m ]

geometry.is_periodic = 0 1 1

## TIME EPS ############################################################ TIME EPS

timestep = 1.0e-5 # 0.00005 # [s]
stop_time = 0.03
small = 1.0e-8
pf.min_eta = 0.1

pf.eps = 0.000001 #0.0005 # [m]
pf.lambda = 0.001

## ETA IC ################################################################ ETA IC
eta.ic.type = constant #laminate 
eta.ic.constant.value = 1.0 #laminate 

### Constant IC ############################################################ IC
phi.ic.type = laminate
phi.ic.number_of_inclusions = 1 = 0.0 0.0 0.0 
phi.ic.laminate.thickness = 0.0001
phi.ic.laminate.orientation = 0 1 
phi.ic.laminate.singlefab = 1 
phi.ic.laminate.invert = 1
phi.ic.laminate.eps = 0.00002

pf.kappa = 1.0
pf.gamma = 0.02726
pf.w1 = 1.0
pf.w12 = 2.0
pf.w0 = 0.0

pf.eta.bc.type = constant
pf.eta.bc.constant.type.xlo = dirichlet
pf.eta.bc.constant.type.xhi = dirichlet
pf.eta.bc.constant.type.ylo = periodic
pf.eta.bc.constant.type.yhi = periodic
pf.eta.bc.constant.type.zlo = periodic
pf.eta.bc.constant.type.zhi = periodic
pf.eta.bc.constant.val.xlo = 0.0
pf.eta.bc.constant.val.xhi = 1.0
pf.eta.bc.constant.val.ylo = 0.0
pf.eta.bc.constant.val.yhi = 0.0
pf.eta.bc.constant.val.zlo = 0.0
pf.eta.bc.constant.val.zhi = 0.0

pf.eta.ic.type = constant
pf.eta.ic.constant.value = 1.0

## Conditional Variables ################################################## Conditional
conditional.evolve = 1

# THERMAL VARIABLES ######################################################### THERMAL
thermal.T_fluid = 300.0

thermal.m_ap = 1.45e5 #[m/s]
thermal.m_htpb = 1.4e1 # 0.2 # [m/s]
thermal.m_comb = 0.0
thermal.E_ap = 11000.0   # 1050.0 # 4.0
thermal.E_htpb = 7500.0   # 1200.0

thermal.cut_off = 0.1
thermal.on = 1  #activates the thermal functions
thermal.bound = 300.0

thermal.rho_ap = 1950.0 # [kg/m3] 
thermal.rho_htpb = 920.0 # [kg/m3]

thermal.k_ap = 0.4186e0 # 5.5 [W/mK]
thermal.k_htpb = 0.13 # 0.283[W/mK]

thermal.cp_ap = 1297.9 #[J/kgK]
thermal.cp_htpb = 2418.29 #[J/kgK]

temp.ic.type = constant
temp.ic.constant.value = 300.0

thermal.temp.bc.type = constant
thermal.temp.bc.constant.type.xlo = neumann
thermal.temp.bc.constant.type.xhi = neumann
thermal.temp.bc.constant.type.ylo = neumann
thermal.temp.bc.constant.type.yhi = neumann
thermal.temp.bc.constant.type.zlo = neumann
thermal.temp.bc.constant.type.zhi = neumann
thermal.temp.bc.constant.val.xlo = 0.0
thermal.temp.bc.constant.val.xhi = 0.0
thermal.temp.bc.constant.val.ylo = 0.0 
thermal.temp.bc.constant.val.yhi = 0.0
thermal.temp.bc.constant.val.zlo = 0.0 
thermal.temp.bc.constant.val.zhi = 0.0

thermal.hc = 1.0e7

thermal.mlocal_ap = 1000.0
thermal.mlocal_htpb = 5000.0
thermal.mlocal_comb = 0.0

## PRESSURE VARIABLES ######################################################### PRESSURE

pressure.P = 4.0  ## Pressure is to be inputed in MPa units.
pressure.mob_ap = 0

pressure.a1 = 1.114 
pressure.a2 = 0.46  
pressure.a3 = 2.797

pressure.b1 = 0.323
pressure.b2 = 0.42
pressure.b3 = 0.3225

pressure.c1 = -0.09906

## ELASTIC VARIABLES ######################################################### ELASTIC

elastic.type = disable

laser.ic.type = constant
laser.ic.constant.value = 1.0e6