Two-dimensional |
Serial |
Validated using check script |
./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/PlateHole/input
Two-dimensional |
Serial |
Not validated |
./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/PlateHole/input solver.fixed_iter="1"
Three-dimensional |
Parallel (4 procs) |
Not validated |
13.52s (beaker) 11.48s (statler) 7.05s (waldorf) |
mpiexec -np 4 ./bin/mechanics-3d-g++ tests/PlateHole/input
Three-dimensional |
Serial |
Not validated |
42.00s (beaker) 21.28s (waldorf) |
./bin/mechanics-3d-g++ tests/PlateHole/input
#@ [2D-serial]
#@ exe = mechanics
#@ dim = 2
#@ nprocs = 1
#@ check = true
#@ [2D-serial-coverage]
#@ exe = mechanics
#@ dim = 2
#@ nprocs = 1
#@ check = false
#@ coverage = true
#@ args=solver.fixed_iter = 1
#@ [3D-parallel]
#@ exe = mechanics
#@ dim = 3
#@ nprocs = 4
#@ check = false
#@ benchmark-beaker = 13.52
#@ benchmark-statler = 11.48
#@ benchmark-waldorf = 7.05
#@ [3D-serial]
#@ exe = mechanics
#@ dim = 3
#@ nprocs = 1
#@ check = false
#@ benchmark-beaker = 42.00
#@ benchmark-waldorf = 21.28
alamo.program = mechanics
alamo.program.mechanics.model = linear.isotropic
plot_file = tests/PlateHole/output
# this is not a time integration, so do
# exactly one timestep and then quit
timestep = 0.1
stop_time = 0.1
amr.plot_int = 1
amr.blocking_factor = 8
amr.regrid_int = -1
amr.grid_eff = 1.0
amr.node.all = 1
amr.cell.all = 1
# grid
amr.max_level = 5 #8
amr.n_cell = 32 32 32
# geometry
geometry.prob_lo = -16 -16 -16
geometry.prob_hi = 16 16 16
geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 0
# ellipse configuration
psi.ic.type = ellipse
psi.ic.ellipse.a = 1.0 1.0 1.0 # ellipse radius
psi.ic.ellipse.x0 = 0 0 0 # location of ellipse center
psi.ic.ellipse.eps = 0.2
psi.ic.ellipse.invert = 1
# elastic moduli
nmodels = 1
model1.E = 1.0 = 0.3
model1.planestress = 1
solver.verbose = 3
solver.nriters = 1
solver.max_iter = 20
solver.bottom_solver = smoother
solver.tol_abs = 1E-16 # This is very important for near-singular problems!!!
print_residual = 1
bc.type = tensiontest
bc.tensiontest.type = uniaxial_stress