This input file simulates the effect of a moving point load applied over the surface of the domain. The J2 plastic material accumulates residual stress left by the application of the point load. This test exercises the following capabilities:
To generate the movie here, run in 3D. A 3D test is not included in the regression test suite due to the extensive time required.
Two-dimensional |
Serial |
Validated using check script |
16.9s (beaker) |
./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/Scratch/input
Two-dimensional |
Serial |
Not validated |
./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/Scratch/input stop_time="0.1"
Two-dimensional |
Parallel (2 procs) |
Validated using check script |
12.49s (beaker) |
mpiexec -np 2 ./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/Scratch/input
Input file (../../tests/Scratch/input)
#@ [2d-serial]
#@ exe=mechanics
#@ dim=2
#@ benchmark-beaker=16.9
#@ [2d-serial-coverage]
#@ exe=mechanics
#@ dim=2
#@ args=stop_time=0.1
#@ check=false
#@ coverage=true
#@ [2d-parallel]
#@ exe=mechanics
#@ dim=2
#@ nprocs=2
#@ benchmark-beaker=12.49
alamo.program = mechanics
alamo.program.mechanics.model = affine.j2
plot_file = tests/Scratch/output
timestep = 0.05
stop_time = 6.0
# amr parameters
amr.plot_int = 10
amr.max_level = 3
amr.n_cell = 16 16 16
amr.blocking_factor = 4
amr.regrid_int = 1
amr.grid_eff = 1.0
amr.node.any = 0
amr.cell.all = 1
# geometry
geometry.prob_lo = -8 -8 -8
geometry.prob_hi = 8 8 8
geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 0
# elastic moduli
nmodels = 1
model1.E = 210 = 0.3
# solver parameters
solver.verbose = 3
solver.nriters = 1
solver.max_iter = 40
# Elastic refinement criterion
ref_threshold = 0.0005
# Expression-based boundary condition
bc.type = expression
bc.expression.type.yhi = trac trac trac
bc.expression.val.yhi = "0.0" "-exp(-((x-t)*(x-t)+z*z)/0.4)" "0.0"