Documentation for alamo
Vinamra Agrawal and Brandon Runnels. Block structured adaptive mesh refinement and strong form elasticity approach to phase field fracture with applications to delamination, crack branching and crack deflection. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 385:114011, 2021.
Vinamra Agrawal and Brandon Runnels. Robust, strong form mechanics on an adaptive structured grid: efficiently solving variable-geometry near-singular problems with diffuse interfaces. Computational Mechanics, 2023.
Asha-Dee N Celestine, Vinamra Agrawal, and Brandon Runnels. Experimental and numerical investigation into mechanical degradation of polymers. Composites Part B: Engineering, 201:108369, 2020.
Erdem Eren, Brandon Runnels, and Jeremy Mason. Comparison of evolving interfaces, triple points, and quadruple points for discrete and diffuse interface methods. Computational Materials Science, 213:111632, 2022.
Mahi Gokuli and Brandon Runnels. Multiphase field modeling of grain boundary migration mediated by emergent disconnections. Acta Materialia, 217:117149, 2021.
Yang Hu, Dennis M Kochmann, and Brandon Runnels. Atomistic-informed phase field modeling of magnesium twin growth by disconnections. arXiv preprint, 2024.
Baburaj Kanagarajan, J Matt Quinlan, and Brandon Runnels. A diffuse interface method for solid-phase modeling of regression behavior in solid composite propellants. Combustion and Flame, 2022.
Maycon Meier and Brandon Runnels. Finite kinematics diffuse interface mechanics coupled to solid composite propellant deflagration. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 427:117040, 2024.
Maycon Meier, Emma Schmidt, Patrick Martinez, J Matt Quinlan, and Brandon Runnels. Diffuse interface method for solid composite propellant ignition and regression. Combustion and Flame, 259:113120, 2024.
Josep Gras Ribot, Vinamra Agrawal, and Brandon Runnels. A new approach for phase field modeling of grain boundaries with strongly nonconvex energy. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27(8):084007, 2019.
Brandon Runnels and Vinamra Agrawal. Phase field disconnections: a continuum method for disconnection-mediated grain boundary motion. Scripta Materialia, 186:6–10, 2020.
Brandon Runnels, Vinamra Agrawal, Weiqun Zhang, and Ann Almgren. Massively parallel finite difference elasticity using block-structured adaptive mesh refinement with a geometric multigrid solver. Journal of Computational Physics, 427:110065, 2021.
Jared W Strutton, Newell H Moser, Edward J Garboczi, Abby R Jennings, Brandon Runnels, and Jena M McCollum. Interface history on strain field evolution in epoxy resins. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022.
The development team gratefully acknowledges the funding sources that enable the development and extension of Alamo.
Table of contents
- Getting Started
- SimBA
- Autodoc and Autotest
- Tests
- Inputs
- BC
- IC
- IO
- Integrator
- Model
- Numeric
- Operator
- Set
- Solver
- Util
- Inputs Search
- Developer Guide
- Questions
- Builder (alpha)