Mac OS







Mac OS Installation
# ============

# Use Mac OS HomeBrew system to install mpich and eigen
# [ you should only need to do this once ]
brew update
brew install gfortran || true
brew install mpich || true
brew install eigen || true
brew install libpng || true

# If your system is unable to find gfortran (for instance, if you are
# a github action), you can try creating an alias using the following
# command:
# ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/gfortran-14 /opt/homebrew/bin/gfortran

# =============

# This command updates the include path to be able to find
# the above libraries
# [ you need to do this in every new shell OR add to your shell config file (like .bashrc) ]
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$(brew --prefix)/include:$(brew --prefix libpng)/include

# In the alamo directory, run this command with any additional arguments. 
# [ you need to include these arguments every time you configure ]
./configure --macos --link $(brew --prefix)/lib/gcc/current/ $(brew --prefix libpng)/lib/

# Compile the code by running make

# Executables should now be available under ./bin
ls ./bin/

# Run the unit test suite

# =================
# These are not required tu run alamo, but are needed to use alamo scripts such as
# the regression test script.
# The following commands work on the Github VM, but your configuration may vary.
# (If you already have another way of installing python packages, use it - the
# "break-system-packages" is kind of dangerous and is only needed for this CI script)

# Install packages needed for regression test script
pip3 install sympy yt matplotlib numpy pandas --break-system-packages --user