Inputs Search
Use the following box to search over all alamo inputs and descriptions. This is the same list as in the Inputs section as generated by the autodoc system.
Note If searching for documentation on an alamo command that you found in an input file, remember that the prefix may not be included in this table. For instance, if you are looking for documentation on the following inputs
hc.heat.alpha = 1.0
el.nmodels = 2
the prefixes hc
and el
are not necessarily included, and you will not find them
if you do an exact search.
Instead, do a reverse search, starting with alpha
and nmodels
, then work out
the prefixes out.
Parameter |
Namespace / Class |
Description |
BC type on the lower x edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC type on the upper x edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC type on the lower y edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC type on the upper y edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC type on the lower z face (processed but ignored in 2d to prevent unused input errors) |
BC type on the upper z face (processed but ignored in 2d to prevent unused input errors) |
BC value on the lower x edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC value on the upper x edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC value on the lower y edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC value on the upper y edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC value on the lower z face (processed but ignored in 2d to prevent unused input errors) |
BC value on the upper z face (processed but ignored in 2d to prevent unused input errors) |
BC type on the lower x edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC type on the upper x edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC type on the lower y edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC type on the upper y edge (2d) face (3d) |
BC type on the lower z face (processed but ignored in 2d to prevent unused input errors) |
BC type on the upper z face (processed but ignored in 2d to prevent unused input errors) |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge / 2D Corner |
3D Edge / 2D Corner |
3D Edge / 2D Corner |
3D Edge / 2D Corner |
3D Face / 2D Edge |
3D Face / 2D Edge |
3D Face / 2D Edge |
3D Face / 2D Edge |
3D Face |
3D Face |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Corner |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge |
3D Edge / 2D Corner |
3D Edge / 2D Corner |
3D Edge / 2D Corner |
3D Edge / 2D Corner |
3D Face / 2D Edge |
3D Face / 2D Edge |
3D Face / 2D Edge |
3D Face / 2D Edge |
3D Face |
3D Face |
Tension test type. (Only option right now is |
Applied displacement (can be interpolator) |
Applied traction (can be interpolator) |
BMP filename. |
file path |
How to position image in space |
stretch fitheight fitwidth coord |
Location of lower-left corner in the domain |
Location of upper-right corner in the domain |
Color channel to use |
r g b R G B |
Scaling value - minimum |
0.0 |
Scaling value - maximum |
255.0 |
Coordinates (X Y Z) of the center of the square/cube. |
Side legnth of cuboid |
Regularization value |
Array of constant values. The number of values should equal either 1 or N where N is the number of fab components |
required |
Coorinates of ellipse center |
Diffuse boundary thickness |
0.0 |
DxD square matrix defining an ellipse. |
If |
Number of ellipses |
center of the ellipse |
center of the ellipse |
either a vector containing ellipse radii, or a matrix defining the ellipse |
Same |
Array of radii [depricated] |
Regularization for smooth boundary |
Flip the inside and the outside |
coordinate system to use: “cartesian” (for x,y,z,t) and “polar” (for r, theta, z, t) |
How many laminates (MUST be greater than or equal to 1). |
1 |
Vector normal to the interface of the laminate |
Diffuse thickness |
Type of mollifer to use (options: dirac, [gaussian]) |
Switch to mode where only one component is used. |
Take the complement of the laminate |
Total number of spheres |
Value for the matrix [0.0] |
Value for the inclusion [1.0] |
Diffuseness of the sphere boundary |
Location of .xyzr file |
file path |
Verbosity (used in parser only) |
Coordinate multiplier |
Coordinate multiplier |
Coordinate offset |
Wave numbers |
Wave amplitudes |
Which axis is normal to the interface (x,y,z) |
Interface offset from origin |
If true, flip the interface (default:false) |
Mollifier (options: dirac, [gaussian]) |
Magnitude of mollifier |
BMP filename. |
file path |
How to fit. {options: stretch, fitheight, fitwidth} |
Lower-left coordinates of image in domain |
Upper-right coordinates of image in domain |
Color channel to use (options: r, R, g, G, b, B, a, A) |
r g b a R G B A |
Scaling value - minimum |
0.0 |
Scaling value - maximum |
255.0 |
Multiplier |
1.0 |
Radius of the sphere |
Vector location of the sphere center |
Value of the field inside the sphere |
Value of the field outside teh sphere |
Type - can be cylinder oriented along the x, y, z directions or full sphere. |
Number of real (cosin) waves |
Number of imaginary (sin) waves |
Spatial dimension |
Multiplier |
x location of points |
y location of points |
Number of grains |
Value to take in the region [1.0] |
Random seed to use |
Number of iterations before ending (default is maximum possible int) |
2147483647 |
Simulation time before ending |
required |
Nominal timestep on amrlev = 0 |
required |
Name of restart file to READ from |
Name of cell-fab restart file to read from |
Name of node-fab restart file to read from |
Space-separated list of entries to ignore |
Regridding interval in step numbers |
2 |
Regridding interval based on coarse level only |
0 |
Interval (in timesteps) between plotfiles (Default negative value will cause the plot interval to be ignored.) |
-1 |
Interval (in simulation time) between plotfiles (Default negative value will cause the plot dt to be ignored.) |
-1.0 |
Output file |
output |
Turn on to write all output in cell fabs (default: off) |
false |
Turn off to prevent any cell based output (default: on) |
true |
Turn on to write all output in node fabs (default: off) |
false |
Turn off to prevent any node based output (default: on) |
true |
Abort if a plotfile contains nan or inf. |
true |
Specify a maximum level of refinement for output files (NO REFINEMENT) |
-1 |
Number of substeps to take on each level (default: 2) |
Number of substeps to take on each level (set all levels to this value) |
required |
activate dynamic CFL-based timestep |
how much information to print |
0 1 |
number of previous timesteps for rolling average |
5 |
dynamic teimstep CFL condition |
1.0 |
minimum timestep size allowed shen stepping dynamically |
timestep |
maximum timestep size allowed shen stepping dynamically |
timestep |
Integration interval (1) |
1 |
Interval (in timesteps) between writing (Default negative value will cause the plot interval to be ignored.) |
-1 |
Interval (in simulation time) between writing (Default negative value will cause the plot dt to be ignored.) |
-1.0 |
Use explicit mesh instead of AMR |
0 |
Criterion for mesh refinement [0.01] |
0.01 |
Value for \(L\) (mobility) |
1.0 |
Value for \(\epsilon\) (diffuse boundary width) |
0.1 |
Value for \(\kappa\) (Interface energy parameter) |
1.0 |
Value for \(\lambda\) (Chemical potential coefficient) |
1.0 |
Force directional growth: 0=no growth, 1=only positive, -1=only negative |
0 1 -1 |
Set the initial condition for the alpha field |
sphere constant expression bmp png random psread |
Pre-multiplier of “m” barrier height |
required |
Anisotropy factor |
required |
Anisotropic temperature coupling factor |
required |
Diffuse boundary width |
required |
Diffusive timescale |
required |
Refinement criteria for temperature |
0.01 |
Refinement criteria for phi |
0.01 |
Simulation timestep |
1.0e-4 |
Burn width thickness |
0.0 |
Interface energy param |
0.0 |
Scaling factor for mobility |
1.0 |
Chemical potential multiplier |
0.0 |
Unburned rest energy |
0.0 |
Barrier energy |
0.0 |
Burned rest energy |
0.0 |
number of ghost cells in all fields |
2 |
Domain x length |
0.001 |
Domain y length |
0.001 |
Boundary conditions for phase field order params |
constant |
phase field initial condition after comment |
constant expression |
phase field initial condition |
laminate constant expression bmp png |
IO::ParmParse pp(“thermal”); Whether to use the Thermal Transport Model |
false |
Whether to use Neo-hookean Elastic model |
0 |
System Initial Temperature |
0.0 |
Body force |
0.0 |
Phi refinement criteria |
1 |
AP Density |
required |
HTPB Density |
required |
AP Thermal Conductivity |
required |
HTPB Thermal Conductivity |
required |
AP Specific Heat |
required |
HTPB Specific Heat |
required |
Baseline heat flux |
0.0 |
AP Pre-exponential factor for Arrhenius Law |
required |
HTPB Pre-exponential factor for Arrhenius Law |
required |
AP Activation Energy for Arrhenius Law |
required |
HTPB Activation Energy for Arrhenius Law |
required |
Used to change heat flux units |
1.0 |
Systen AP mass fraction |
0.8 |
AP mass flux reference value |
0.0 |
HTPB mass flux reference value |
0.0 |
AP/HTPB mass flux reference value |
0.0 |
Temperature of the Standin Fluid |
300.0 |
K; dispersion variables are use to set the outter field properties for the void grain case. |
rho; dispersion variables are use to set the outter field properties for the void grain case. |
cp; dispersion variables are use to set the outter field properties for the void grain case. |
Scaling factor for AP thermal conductivity (default = 1.0) |
1.0 |
Scaling factor for HTPB thermal conductivity (default = 1.0) |
1.0 |
Temperature boundary condition |
constant |
laser initial condition |
constant expression |
thermal initial condition |
constant expression bmp png |
Constant pressure value |
1.0 |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - AP |
required |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - HTPB |
required |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - Total |
required |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - AP |
required |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - HTPB |
required |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - Total |
required |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - Total |
required |
Whether to include pressure to the arrhenius law |
0 |
Whether to use pressure to determined the reference Zeta |
1 |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - Homogenized |
1.81 |
Surgate heat flux model paramater - Homogenized |
1.34 |
AP power pressure law parameter (r*P^n) |
required |
HTPB power pressure law parameter (r*P^n) |
required |
AP/HTPB power pressure law parameter (r*P^n) |
required |
AP power pressure law parameter (r*P^n) |
required |
HTPB power pressure law parameter (r*P^n) |
required |
AP/HTPB power pressure law parameter (r*P^n) |
required |
Whether to compute the pressure evolution |
0 |
Whether to initialize Phi with homogenized properties |
0 |
Refinement criterion for eta field |
0.001 |
Refinement criterion for temperature field |
0.001 |
Eta value to restrict the refinament for the temperature field |
0.1 |
Refinement criterion for phi field [infinity] |
1.0e100 |
Lowest value of Eta. |
1.0e-8 |
IC type (psread, laminate, constant) |
psread laminate expression constant bmp png |
value.ic_phicell = new IC::PSRead(value.geom, pp, “phi.ic.psread”); AP/HTPB interface length |
1.0e-5 |
Reference interface length for heat integration |
1.0e-5 |
value.ic_phicell = new IC::Laminate(value.geom, pp, “phi.ic.laminate”); AP/HTPB interface length |
1.0e-5 |
Reference interface length for heat integration |
1.0e-5 |
value.ic_phicell = new IC::Expression(value.geom, pp, “phi.ic.expression”); Reference interface length for heat integration |
1.0e-5 |
AP/HTPB interface length |
1.0e-5 |
value.ic_phicell = new IC::Constant(value.geom, pp, “phi.ic.constant”); Reference interface length for heat integration |
1.0e-5 |
AP/HTPB interface length |
1.0e-5 |
value.ic_phicell = new IC::BMP(value.geom, pp, “phi.ic.bmp”); Reference interface length for heat integration |
1.0e-5 |
AP/HTPB interface length |
1.0e-5 |
Reference interface length for heat integration |
1.0e-5 |
AP/HTPB interface length |
1.0e-5 |
Initial temperature for thermal expansion computation |
300.0 |
Type of crack {notch,ellipsoid} |
Diffusion coefficient \(\alpha\). This is an example of a required input variable - - program will terminate unless it is provided. |
required |
Criterion for mesh refinement. This is an example of a default input variable. The default value is provided here, not in the definition of the variable. |
0.01 |
Initial condition type. |
constant sphere expression |
Select BC object for temperature |
constant expression |
Number of elastic model varieties |
1 |
Refinement threshold for eta field |
0.01 |
Refinement threshold for strain gradient |
0.01 |
Explicity impose neumann condition on model at domain boundaries (2d only) |
false |
Select the initial condition for eta |
constant ellipse voronoi bmp png expression psread |
Whether to re-initialize eta when re-gridding occurs. Default is false unless eta ic is set, then default is. true. |
true |
Select initial condition for psi field |
ellipse constant expression psread png |
Whether to re-initialize psi when re-gridding occurs. Default is false unless a psi ic is set, then default is true. |
true |
Read in IC for the “normal traction” field (applied at diffuse boundaries) |
ellipse constant expression psread |
Number of grain fields (may be more if using different IC) |
2 |
Mobility |
required |
Phase field \(\mu\) |
required |
Phase field \(\gamma\) |
required |
Initial GB energy if not using anisotropy |
required |
Mobility |
required |
Determine whether to use elastic driving force |
false |
Multiplier of elastic energy |
1.0 |
Value used for thresholding kinetic relation |
0.0 |
Whether to include chemical potential in threshold |
false |
Whether to include boundary energy in threshold |
false |
Whether to include corner regularization in threshold |
false |
Whether to include lagrange multiplier in threshold |
false |
Whether to include mechanical driving force in threshold |
false |
Type of thresholding to use |
continuous chop |
Maximum AMR level |
required |
Phase field refinement threshold |
0.1 |
Elasticity |
0.0 |
Lagrange multiplier method for enforcing volumes |
false |
Lagrange multiplier value |
required |
Prescribed volume |
required |
Lagrange multipler start time |
0.0 |
synthetic driving force (SDF) |
false |
value of SDF for each grain |
time to begin applying SDF |
0.0 |
Turn on |
false |
Regularization para m |
required |
Time to turn on anisotropy |
required |
Modify timestep when turned on |
required |
Modify plot_int when turned on |
-1 |
Modify plot_dt when turned on |
-1.0 |
Modify thermo int when turned on |
-1 |
Modify thermo plot int when turned on |
-1 |
Frequency of elastic calculation |
-1 |
Type of regularization to use |
k12 wilmore |
Type of GB to use |
abssin sin read sh |
Boundary condition for eta |
constant |
Initial condition for the order parameter eta |
constant perturbedinterface voronoi expression sphere ellipse random |
Anisotropic mobility |
0 |
simulation time when anisotropic kinetics is activated |
0.0 |
file containing anisotropic mobility data |
file path |
file containing anisotropic mobility data |
file path |
Crack type to use {notch} |
Diffusion coefficient |
Initial condition for psi field |
ellipse constant |
Refinement threshold based on eta |
0.01 |
\(\alpha\) parameter |
1.0 |
\(\beta\) parameter |
1.0 |
\(\gamma\) parameter |
1.0 |
Prescribed volume fraction |
0.5 |
Prescribed total vlume |
0.5 |
Type of mecahnics to use. Static: do full implicit solve. Dynamic: evolve dynamic equations with explicit dynamics Disable: do nothing. |
disable static dynamic |
Treat mechanics fields as changing in time. [false] You should use this if you care about other physics driven by the output of this integrator. |
false |
Include displacement field in output |
true |
Include right-hand side in output |
true |
Include \(\psi\) field in output |
true |
Include stress in output |
true |
Include strain in output |
true |
Dashpot damping (damps velocity) |
0.0 |
Newtonian viscous damping (damps velocity gradient) |
0.0 |
Initializer for RHS |
none expression |
Select the mechanical boundary conditions |
constant tensiontest expression |
Print out model variables (if enabled by model) |
false |
Initializer for RHS |
none trig constant |
Timestep interval for elastic solves (default - solve every time) |
0 |
Maximum multigrid coarsening level (default - none, maximum coarsening) |
-1 |
Whether to include residual output field |
false |
Whether to refine based on elastic solution |
0.01 |
Set this to true to zero out the displacement before each solve. (This is a temporary fix - we need to figure out why this is needed.) |
false |
Time to start doing the elastic solve (by default, start immediately) |
-1.0 |
Fracture energy |
Lengthscale regularization |
Mobility (speed) |
Threshold |
Type of g function to use {square, multiwell, 4c3, squarep, squarepexp, cubicm} |
Type o w function to use {square, multiwell, multiwell2, 4c3} |
Min Gc (fracture energy) value |
Max Gc (fracture energy)value |
Angle offset |
Regularization |
Crack mobiilty |
Threshold for kinetics |
Type of g function to use {square, multiwell, 4c3, squarep, squarepexp, cubicm} |
Type o w function to use {square, multiwell, multiwell2, 4c3} |
Angle offset (degrees) |
Minimum energy |
Energy multiplier |
Filename containing GB data |
file path |
Theta offset (degrees) |
Phi offset (radians) |
Minimum energy value |
Energy multiplier |
Type of regularization to use: {wilhelm,k23} |
Theta offset (degrees) |
Minimum energy |
Energy multiplier |
Frequency number (integer) |
Eigenstrain matrix. Can be defined in 2D or 3D. |
Lame modulus |
Shear modulus |
Elastic modulus |
Poisson’s ratio |
Young’s modulus |
Shear modulus |
Young’s modulus |
Lame parameter |
Poisson’s ratio |
Shear modulus |
Lame parameter |
Poisson’s ratio |
Bulk modulus |
Shear modulus |
Eigendeformation gradient |
J2 Yield criterion |
1.0 |
Hardening coefficient (negative value disables rate hardening) |
-1.0 |
Rate coefficient (negative value disables rate hardening) |
-1.0 |
Lame constant |
Shear modulus |
Young’s modulus |
Poisson’s ratio |
Yield strength |
Hardening constant |
Hardening theta |
Critical resolved shear stress \(\tau_{crss}\) |
Rate hardening coefficient \(\dot{\gamma}_0\) |
1.0 |
Inverse of the hardening exponent \(\frac{1}{m}\) |
0.5 |
Time to activate plastic slip |
0.0 |
Large-deformation eigendeformation (Identity = no deformation) |
Small-deformation eigendeformation (Zero = no deformation) |
Shear modulus |
Bulk modulus |
Alternative input for shear modulus |
Bulk modulus |
Shear modulus |
Lame parameter |
Young’s modulus |
Poisson’s ratio |
Large-strain eigendeformation (Identity = no deformation) |
Small-strain eigendeformation (Zero = no deformation) |
Set::Scalar C11 = 1.68, C12 = 1.21, C44 = 0.75; Elastic constant (default: 1.68) |
Elastic constant (default: 1.21) |
Elastic constant (default: 0.75) |
Bunge Euler angle \(\phi_1\) |
Bunge Euler angle \(\Phi\) |
Bunge Euler angle \(\phi_2\) |
Elastic constant |
1.68 |
Elastic constant |
1.21 |
Elastic constant |
0.75 |
specify whether using radians or degrees |
radians degrees |
Bunge Euler angle \(\phi_1\) about x axis |
0.0 |
Bunge Euler angle \(\Phi\) about z axis |
0.0 |
Bunge Euler angle \(\phi_2\) about x axis |
0.0 |
Elastic constant |
required |
Elastic constant |
required |
Elastic constant |
required |
Elastic constant |
required |
Elastic constant |
required |
Bunge Euler angle \(\phi_1\) |
0.0 |
Bunge Euler angle \(\Phi\) |
0.0 |
Bunge Euler angle \(\phi_2\) |
0.0 |
Whether or not to use the plane stress approximation. |
Lame parameter |
Shear modulus (redundant with “mu”) |
Lame parameter |
Shear modulus (redundant with “shear”) |
Elastic modulus |
Poisson’s ratio |
Coefficient for the Laplacian |
1.0 |
Interpolator string used when Parsed from queryclass. |
Regularization offset value used in near-singular elastic solves. It should be small - if it is too large, you will get better convergence but less correct values! |
Max number of iterations to perform before erroring out |
Max number of iterations on the bottom solver |
Max number of F-cycle iterations to perform |
Number of fixed iterations to perform before exiting gracefully |
Verbosity of the solver (1-5) |
Number of smoothing operations before bottom solve (2) |
Number of smoothing operations after bottom solve (2) |
Number of final smoothing operations when smoother is used as bottom solver (8) |
Additional smoothing after bottom CG solver (0) |
The method that is used for the multigrid bottom solve (cg, bicgstab, smoother) |
Relative tolerance on bottom solver |
Absolute tolerance on bottom solver |
Relative tolerance |
Absolute tolerance |
Omega (used in gauss-seidel solver) |
Whether to average down coefficients or use the ones given. (Setting this to true is important for fracture.) |
Whether to normalize DDW when calculating the diagonal. This is primarily used when DDW is near-singular - like when there is a “void” region or when doing phase field fracture. |
If set to true, output diagnostic multifab information whenever the MLMG solver fails to converge. (Note: you must also set |
If set to false, MLMG will not die if convergence criterion is not reached. (Note: you must also set |
Number of newton-raphson iterations. |
Tolerance to use for newton-raphson convergence |
Name of directory containing all output data |