This example demonstrates the Finite Kinematics newton solver for a composite consisting of a compliant rubber-like material and a (near) rigid metal or ceramic-like material. The difference in elastic moduli is 10x. The low faces (xlo, ylo, zlo) are homogeneous dirichlet in the normal direction and naumann in the lateral directions. The three-dimensional test yields the following:
For regression testing purposes, only the two-dimensional case is considered for efficiency. In two dimensions, the distortion of the mesh is more severe, which usually means that additional Newton iterations are required.
Two-dimensional |
Serial |
Validated using check script |
13.8s (beaker) |
./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/RubberWithInclusion/input
Two-dimensional |
Serial |
Not validated |
./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/RubberWithInclusion/input stop_time="0.1"
Two-dimensional |
Parallel (4 procs) |
Not validated |
6.6s (beaker) |
mpiexec -np 4 ./bin/mechanics-2d-g++ tests/RubberWithInclusion/input
#@ [serial-2d]
#@ exe=mechanics
#@ dim=2
#@ benchmark-beaker=13.8
#@ check-file=reference/thermo.dat
#@ [serial-2d-coverage]
#@ exe=mechanics
#@ dim=2
#@ check=false
#@ args=stop_time=0.1
#@ coverage=true
#@ [parallel-2d]
#@ exe=mechanics
#@ dim=2
#@ nprocs=4
#@ benchmark-beaker=6.6
#@ check=false
alamo.program = mechanics
alamo.program.mechanics.model = finite.neohookean
plot_file = tests/RubberWithInclusion/output
type = static
timestep = 0.1
stop_time = 1.0
amr.plot_int = 1
amr.max_level = 2
amr.n_cell = 16 16 16
amr.blocking_factor = 2 = 1
amr.thermo.plot_int = 1
geometry.prob_lo = 0 0 0
geometry.prob_hi = 1 1 1
ic.type = ellipse
ic.ellipse.a = 0.25 0.25 0.25
ic.ellipse.x0 = 0.5 0.5 0.5
ic.ellipse.eps = 0.05
nmodels = 2 = 30
model1.kappa = 60 = 3.0
model2.kappa = 6.0
solver.verbose = 3
solver.max_iter = 150
solver.nriters = 1000
solver.nrtolerance = 1E-5
ref_threshold = 100
bc.type = tensiontest
bc.tensiontest.type = uniaxial_stress
bc.tensiontest.disp = (0,1:0,0.5)
solver.dump_on_fail = 1
amrex.signal_handling = 0
amrex.throw_exception = 1