Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // This is a thin wrapper to the amrex::ParmParse class
3 // This class exists to add some additional parsing capability,
4 // e.g. parsing Set::Matrix and Set::Vector data types.
5 //
6 // :ref:`IO::ParmParse` uses static :code:`Parse()` functions to
7 // perform cascading class-based input parsing.
8 // See the :ref:`autodoc` section for instructions on adding documentation.
9 //
10 // :bdg-warning-line:`This is standard infrastructure code; make sure you know what you ard doing before you change it.`
11 //
12 // .. _query-directives:
13 //
14 // **Query directives**
15 //
16 // Alamo uses different query directives to standardize reading inputs and automatic documentation.
17 // The type of query that is used (query vs query_required, etc) triggers different handlers and different
18 // automatic documentation procedures.
19 // For instance, the use of a :code:`query_default` causes a default value to be set and added to the metadata
20 // file, and it also serves as a flag for the autodoc system to document that a default value is available.
21 // The following table is a reference for the different kinds of query directives.
22 //
23 //
24 // .. table::
25 // :widths: 1 99
26 //
27 // +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
28 // | BC Type | Description |
29 // +=================================+=================================================================+
30 // | :bdg-warning:`query` | Standard IO for bool, string, Set::Scalarthat does not enforce |
31 // | | defaults or required values. Not recommended for general use. |
32 // +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
33 // | :bdg-success:`query_required` | Similar to query, but will abort if no value is specified. |
34 // | | Required values are indicated by :bdg-danger-line:`required`. |
35 // +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
36 // | :bdg-success:`query_default` | Similar to query, but will fill with default value if no value |
37 // | | is provided. Will also add default value to metadata. |
38 // | | Default values are indicated by green badge values, e.g. |
39 // | | :bdg-success:`0.0`. |
40 // +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
41 // | :bdg-success:`query_validate` | For strings, read in a value and enforce that the value is one |
42 // | | of a supplied number of values. Optionally make required, or |
43 // | | set the default value to the first supplied value. |
44 // | | Acceptable options are indicated by blue badge values, e.g. |
45 // | | :bdg-primary:`1.0`, :bdg-primary:`2.0`. If a default value is |
46 // | | available, it is indicated by a green badge, e.g. |
47 // | | :bdg-success:`1.0`. |
48 // +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
49 // | :bdg-success:`query_file` | Read in a string that defines a file name. |
50 // | | Check to make sure that the file exists and is a regular file, |
51 // | | and print an informative error message if not (this can be |
52 // | | disabled). |
53 // | | Also, copy the file to the output directory, with the full path |
54 // | | preserved by replacing / with _. |
55 // | | (This can also be disabled, but doing so is discouraged.) |
56 // | | Default values are not allowed. |
57 // | | File paths are indicated by :bdg-secondary-line:`file path`. |
58 // +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
59 // | :bdg-primary:`queryarr` | Read in an array of numbers into either a standard vector or |
60 // | | into a :code:`Set::Vector` or :code:`Set::Scalar`. |
61 // | | No defaults or existence checking is performed. |
62 // +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
63 // | :bdg-primary:`queryclass` | Read a class object with a specified prefix. |
64 // | | How that class is read in is determined by its :code:`Parse` |
65 // | | function. |
66 // +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
67 //
68 // .. _query_locator_macros:
69 //
70 // **Query macros**
71 //
72 // A set of preprocessor macros are defined so that you can call a query function using :code:`pp_` instead
73 // of :code:`pp.`.
74 // For instance, the following two can be used interchangeably:
75 //
76 // .. code-block:: cpp
77 //
78 // pp.query_required("myvar",myvar); /* function version */
79 // pp_query_required("myvar",myvar); /* preprocessor macro version - preferred*/
80 //
81 // Using the preprocessor macros enables code location information to be passed to the parser, so that
82 // more informative error messages will be printed out.
83 // Note that **the ParmParse object must always be called** :code:`pp` **for this to work**.
84 //
85 //
87 #ifndef IO_PARMPARSE
88 #define IO_PARMPARSE
90 #include <filesystem>
91 #include <exception>
92 #include <list>
94 #include "Util/Util.H"
95 #include "Set/Set.H"
96 #include "AMReX_ParmParse.H"
99 #define pp_query_required(...) pp.query_required(__VA_ARGS__,INFO)
100 #define pp_query_default(...) pp.query_default(__VA_ARGS__,INFO)
101 #define pp_query_validate(...) pp.query_validate(__VA_ARGS__,INFO)
102 #define pp_query_file(...) pp.query_file(__VA_ARGS__,INFO)
103 #define pp_queryarr(...) pp.queryarr(__VA_ARGS__,INFO)
104 #define pp_queryarr_required(...) pp.queryarr_required(__VA_ARGS__,INFO)
105 #define pp_query(...) pp.query(__VA_ARGS__)
106 #define pp_queryclass(...) pp.queryclass(__VA_ARGS__,INFO)
107 #define pp_forbid(...) pp.forbid(__VA_ARGS__,INFO)
110 namespace IO
111 {
112 class ParmParse : public amrex::ParmParse
113 {
114 private:
115  void Define()
116  {
117  if (checked_for_input_files) return;
118  int k = 0;
119  std::string inputfile = "";
120  while (this->querykth("input",k,inputfile))
121  {
122  Util::Message(INFO,"Including inputs from "+inputfile);
123  this->addfile(inputfile);
124  k++;
125  }
127  }
130 public:
131  ParmParse(std::string arg) : amrex::ParmParse::ParmParse(arg) {Define();} ;
132  ParmParse() : amrex::ParmParse::ParmParse() {Define();} ;
133  std::string getPrefix() const {return m_prefix;};
134  void ignore(std::string name)
135  {
136  (void)amrex::ParmParse::contains(name.c_str());
137  }
139  void forbid(std::string name, std::string explanation,
140  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = -1)
141  {
142  if (amrex::ParmParse::contains(full(name).c_str()))
143  {
144  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),full(name)," forbidden: ", explanation);
145  }
146  std::set<std::string> subs = amrex::ParmParse::getEntries(full(name));
147  if (subs.size())
148  {
149  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),full(name)," forbidden: ", explanation);
150  }
151  }
153  bool contains(std::string name)
154  {
155  if (amrex::ParmParse::contains(name.c_str()))
156  return true;
157  if (amrex::ParmParse::contains(full(name).c_str()))
158  return true;
159  {
160  std::set<std::string> subs = amrex::ParmParse::getEntries(name.c_str());
161  if (subs.size())
162  return true;
163  }
164  {
165  std::set<std::string> subs = amrex::ParmParse::getEntries(full(name).c_str());
166  if (subs.size())
167  return true;
168  }
169  return false;
170  }
172  template<typename T>
173  int query_required( std::string name, T & value,
174  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = -1)
175  {
176  if (!contains(name.c_str()))
177  {
178  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),"required value for ",full(name)," missing");
179  }
180  return query(name.c_str(),value);
181  }
183  template<typename T>
184  int query_default( std::string name, T & value, T defaultvalue,
185  std::string = "", std::string = "", int = -1)
186  {
187  if (!contains(name.c_str()))
188  {
189  add(name.c_str(),defaultvalue);
190  }
191  return query(name.c_str(),value);
192  }
194  int query_validate( std::string name, int & value, std::vector<int> possibleintvals,
195  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = -1)
196  {
197  // First value is accepted by default...
199  // set default value
200  value = possibleintvals[0];
202  // get the read value (if it exists)
203  int retval = query(name.c_str(),value);
205  // check to make sure the read value matches one of the inpus
206  bool ok = false;
207  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < possibleintvals.size(); i++)
208  {
209  if (value == possibleintvals[i]) ok = true;
210  }
212  if (ok) return retval;
214  std::stringstream ss;
215  ss << possibleintvals[0];
216  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < possibleintvals.size(); i++)
217  ss << "," << possibleintvals[i];
219  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),"' expected [", ss.str(), "] but got ", value);
221  return -1;
222  }
225  int query_validate( std::string name, std::string & value, std::vector<const char *> possiblecharvals, bool firstbydefault,
226  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = -1)
227  {
228  // if not using default values, then the input must be specified
229  if (!firstbydefault)
230  {
231  if (!contains(name.c_str()))
232  {
233  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),"required value for ",full(name)," missing");
234  }
235  }
237  // set default value
238  value = std::string(possiblecharvals[0]);
240  // get the read value (if it exists)
241  int retval = query(name.c_str(),value);
243  // check to make sure the read value matches one of the inpus
244  bool ok = false;
245  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < possiblecharvals.size(); i++)
246  {
247  if (value == std::string(possiblecharvals[i])) ok = true;
248  }
250  if (ok) return retval;
252  std::stringstream ss;
253  ss << possiblecharvals[0];
254  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < possiblecharvals.size(); i++)
255  ss << "," << possiblecharvals[i];
257  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),"' expected [", ss.str(), "] but got ", value);
259  return -1;
260  }
262  int query_validate( std::string name, std::string & value, std::vector<const char *> possiblecharvals,
263  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = -1)
264  {
265  return query_validate(name,value,possiblecharvals,true,file,func,line);
266  }
269  // special case for strings
270  int query_default( std::string name, std::string & value, const char *defaultvalue,
271  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = -1)
272  {
273  return query_default(name, value, std::string(defaultvalue), file, func, line);
274  }
275  // special case for bools
276  int query_default( std::string name, int & value, bool defaultvalue,
277  std::string file = "", std::string func = "query_default", int line = -1)
278  {
279  int defaultint = 0;
280  if (defaultvalue) defaultint = 1;
281  return query_default(name, value, defaultint, file, func, line);
282  }
286  // validate filenames
287  int query_file( std::string name, std::string & value, bool copyfile, bool checkfile,
288  std::string file = "", std::string func = "query_file", int line = -1)
289  {
290  try
291  {
292  if (!contains(name.c_str()))
293  {
294  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),full(name)," must be specified");
295  }
297  int retval = query(name.c_str(),value);
299  if (amrex::ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor())
300  {
301  if ( checkfile && ! std::filesystem::exists(value))
302  {
303  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),full(name)," does not exist");
304  }
305  if ( checkfile && !std::filesystem::is_regular_file(value))
306  {
307  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),full(name)," is not a regular file");
308  }
309  if ( copyfile )
310  {
311  Util::CopyFileToOutputDir(value, true, full(name));
312  }
313  }
314  return retval;
315  }
316  catch (...)
317  {
318  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name));
319  }
320  return -1;
321  }
322  int query_file( std::string name, std::string & value, bool copyfile,
323  std::string file = "", std::string func = "query_file", int line = -1)
324  {
325  return query_file(name,value,copyfile,true,file,func,line);
326  }
327  int query_file( std::string name, std::string & value,
328  std::string file = "", std::string func = "query_file", int line = -1)
329  {
330  return query_file(name,value,true,true,file,func,line);
331  }
334  template<typename T>
335  int queryarr( std::string name, std::vector<T> & value,
336  std::string /*file*/, std::string /*func*/, int /*line*/)
337  {
338  return amrex::ParmParse::queryarr(name.c_str(),value);
339  }
340  int queryarr( std::string name, Set::Vector & value,
341  std::string file = "", std::string func = "queryarr", int line = -1)
342  {
343  std::vector<Set::Scalar> vals;
344  amrex::ParmParse::queryarr(name.c_str(), vals);
345  if (vals.size() < AMREX_SPACEDIM)
346  {
347  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),full(name)," requires at least ", AMREX_SPACEDIM, " arguments, got ",vals.size());
348  }
349  for (int i = 0; i < AMREX_SPACEDIM; i++) value(i) = vals[i];
350  return 0;
351  }
352  int queryarr( std::string name, Set::Matrix & value,
353  std::string file = "", std::string func = "queryarr", int line = -1)
354  {
355  std::vector<Set::Scalar> vals;
356  amrex::ParmParse::queryarr(name.c_str(), vals);
357  if (vals.size() == 9)
358  {
360  Util::Warning(file,func,line,"Reading a 3D matrix (",full(name),")into a 2D code - some values will be ignored.");
361  value(0,0) = vals[0]; value(0,1)= vals[1];
362  value(1,0) = vals[3]; value(1,1)= vals[4];
363 #endif
365  value(0,0) = vals[0]; value(0,1)= vals[1]; value(0,2)= vals[2];
366  value(1,0) = vals[3]; value(1,1)= vals[4]; value(1,2)= vals[5];
367  value(2,0) = vals[6]; value(2,1)= vals[7]; value(2,2)= vals[8];
368 #endif
369  }
370  else if (vals.size() == 4)
371  {
373  value(0,0) = vals[0]; value(0,1)= vals[1];
374  value(1,0) = vals[2]; value(1,1)= vals[3];
375 #endif
377  Util::Warning(file,func,line,"Reading a 2D matrix (",full(name),")into a 3D code - remaining values will be set to zero.");
378  value(0,0) = vals[0]; value(0,1)= vals[1]; value(0,2)= 0.0;
379  value(1,0) = vals[2]; value(1,1)= vals[3]; value(1,2)= 0.0;
380  value(2,0) = 0.0; value(2,1)= 0.0; value(2,2)= 0.0;
381 #endif
382  }
383  else
384  {
385  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),full(name)," needs either 4 or 9 components, but got ",vals.size());
386  }
387  return 0;
388  }
389  template<typename T>
390  int queryarr_required( std::string name, std::vector<T> & value,
391  std::string file, std::string func, int line)
392  {
393  if (!contains(name.c_str()))
394  {
395  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name),"required value for ",full(name)," missing");
396  }
397  return queryarr(name,value,file,func,line);
398  }
401  {
402  int cnt = 0;
403  for (auto li = m_table->begin(), End = m_table->end(); li != End; ++li)
404  {
405  if (!li->second.m_count && li->first.rfind(getPrefix()+".",0) != std::string::npos)
406  {
407  Util::Warning(INFO,li->first);
408  cnt++;
409  }
410  }
411  return cnt;
412  }
414  std::vector<std::string> GetUnusedInputs()
415  {
416  std::vector<std::string> ret;
417  for (auto li = m_table->begin(), End = m_table->end(); li != End; ++li)
418  {
419  if (!li->second.m_count && li->first.rfind(getPrefix()+".",0) != std::string::npos)
420  {
421  ret.push_back(li->first);
422  }
423  }
424  return ret;
425  }
427  static int AllUnusedInputs()
428  {
429  ParmParse pp;
430  int cnt = 0;
431  for (auto li = pp.m_table->begin(), End = pp.m_table->end(); li != End; ++li)
432  {
433  if (!li->second.m_count)
434  {
435  Util::Warning(INFO,li->first);
436  cnt++;
437  }
438  }
439  return cnt;
440  }
441  std::string prefix ()
442  {
443  return getPrefix();
444  }
445  std::string full (std::string name)
446  {
447  std::string prefix = getPrefix();
448  if (prefix != "") return getPrefix() + "." + name;
449  else return name;
450  }
453  using amrex::ParmParse::queryarr;
454  template<class T>
455  void queryclass(std::string name, T * value,
456  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = -1)
457  {
458  auto old_prefix = m_prefix;
459  try
460  {
461  if (old_prefix.empty()) m_prefix = name;
462  else m_prefix.append(".").append(name);
463  T::Parse(*value, *this);
464  std::vector<std::string> unused_inputs = GetUnusedInputs();
465  if (unused_inputs.size())
466  {
467  std::stringstream ss;
468  for (unsigned int i=0; i < unused_inputs.size(); i++)
469  ss << "\n\t" << unused_inputs[i];
470  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,name,"The following inputs were specified but not used",ss.str());
471  }
472  }
473  catch (...)
474  {
475  m_prefix = old_prefix;
476  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name));
477  }
478  m_prefix = old_prefix;
479  }
480  template<class T>
481  void queryclass(std::string name, T & value,
482  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = __LINE__)
483  {
484  auto old_prefix = m_prefix;
485  try
486  {
487  if (old_prefix.empty()) m_prefix = name;
488  else m_prefix.append(".").append(name);
489  T::Parse(value, *this);
490  std::vector<std::string> unused_inputs = GetUnusedInputs();
491  if (unused_inputs.size())
492  {
493  std::stringstream ss;
494  for (unsigned int i=0; i < unused_inputs.size(); i++)
495  ss << "\n\t" << unused_inputs[i];
496  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,name,"The following inputs were specified but not used",ss.str());
497  }
498  }
499  catch (...)
500  {
501  m_prefix = old_prefix;
502  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,full(name));
503  }
504  m_prefix = old_prefix;
505  }
506  template<class T>
507  void queryclass(T * value,
508  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = __LINE__)
509  {
510  try
511  {
512  T::Parse(*value, *this);
513  }
514  catch (...)
515  {
516  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,getPrefix());
517  }
518  }
519  template<class T>
520  void queryclass(T & value,
521  std::string file = "", std::string func = "", int line = __LINE__)
522  {
523  try
524  {
525  T::Parse(value, *this);
526  }
527  catch (...)
528  {
529  Util::ParmParseException(INFO,file,func,line,getPrefix());
530  }
531  }
533  //
534  // Variadic template parsing operator to assign a pointer to
535  // one of a set of possible class objects, then call that method's
536  // Parse function.
537  //
538  // This requires that a "type" be specified and will error if not.
539  //
540  template<typename... IC, typename... Args, typename PTRTYPE>
541  void select (std::string name, PTRTYPE *& ic_eta, Args&&... args)
542  {
543  std::string type = "";
545  this->query_required(name + ".type", type);
547  bool matched = ((type == IC::name
548  ? (ic_eta = new IC(std::forward<Args>(args)..., (*this), name + "." + std::string(IC::name))),
549  true
550  : false) || ...);
551  if (!matched)
552  Util::Exception(INFO,type," not a valid type for ",name);
553  }
555  //
556  // Identical to the above, except sets the type automatically to the
557  // firs specified
558  //
559  template<typename FirstIC, typename... IC, typename... Args, typename PTRTYPE>
560  void select_default (std::string name, PTRTYPE *& ic_eta, Args&&... args)
561  {
562  std::string type = "";
564  this->query_default(name + ".type", type, FirstIC::name);
566  bool matched =
567  (( type == FirstIC::name
568  ? (ic_eta = new FirstIC(std::forward<Args>(args)..., (*this), name + "." + std::string(FirstIC::name))),
569  true : false))
570  ||
571  (( type == IC::name
572  ? (ic_eta = new IC(std::forward<Args>(args)..., (*this), name + "." + std::string(IC::name))),
573  true : false) || ...);
576  if (!matched)
577  Util::Exception(INFO,type," not a valid type for ",name);
578  }
579 };
580 }
581 #endif
int query_default(std::string name, T &value, T defaultvalue, std::string="", std::string="", int=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:184
ParmParse(std::string arg)
Definition: ParmParse.H:131
std::complex< int > Parse(std::string input)
Definition: Util.cpp:309
int query_file(std::string name, std::string &value, bool copyfile, std::string file="", std::string func="query_file", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:322
std::string full(std::string name)
Definition: ParmParse.H:445
std::string prefix()
Definition: ParmParse.H:441
int query_validate(std::string name, std::string &value, std::vector< const char * > possiblecharvals, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:262
void ParmParseException(std::string file, std::string func, int line, std::string file2, std::string, int line2, std::string fullname, Args const &... args)
Definition: Util.H:260
void Define()
Definition: ParmParse.H:115
static int AllUnusedInputs()
Definition: ParmParse.H:427
int query_file(std::string name, std::string &value, std::string file="", std::string func="query_file", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:327
Eigen::Matrix< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM, 1 > Vector
Definition: Base.H:20
void queryclass(T &value, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=__LINE__)
Definition: ParmParse.H:520
int queryarr(std::string name, Set::Matrix &value, std::string file="", std::string func="queryarr", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:352
void queryclass(std::string name, T &value, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=__LINE__)
Definition: ParmParse.H:481
int query_required(std::string name, T &value, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:173
Definition: FileNameParse.H:7
Eigen::Matrix< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM, AMREX_SPACEDIM > Matrix
Definition: Base.H:23
std::vector< std::string > GetUnusedInputs()
Definition: ParmParse.H:414
void forbid(std::string name, std::string explanation, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:139
int query_default(std::string name, std::string &value, const char *defaultvalue, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:270
void queryclass(T *value, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=__LINE__)
Definition: ParmParse.H:507
void Exception(std::string file, std::string func, int line, Args const &... args)
Definition: Util.H:202
static bool checked_for_input_files
Definition: ParmParse.H:128
bool contains(std::string name)
Definition: ParmParse.H:153
Definition: ParmParse.H:132
int queryarr_required(std::string name, std::vector< T > &value, std::string file, std::string func, int line)
Definition: ParmParse.H:390
int query_default(std::string name, int &value, bool defaultvalue, std::string file="", std::string func="query_default", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:276
Definition: BMP.H:18
int queryarr(std::string name, Set::Vector &value, std::string file="", std::string func="queryarr", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:340
void Warning(std::string file, std::string func, int line, Args const &... args)
Definition: Util.H:178
std::string getPrefix() const
Definition: ParmParse.H:133
int query_validate(std::string name, std::string &value, std::vector< const char * > possiblecharvals, bool firstbydefault, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:225
Definition: ParmParse.H:112
void ignore(std::string name)
Definition: ParmParse.H:134
int query_file(std::string name, std::string &value, bool copyfile, bool checkfile, std::string file="", std::string func="query_file", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:287
void CopyFileToOutputDir(std::string a_path, bool fullpath, std::string prefix)
Definition: Util.cpp:50
void select_default(std::string name, PTRTYPE *&ic_eta, Args &&... args)
Definition: ParmParse.H:560
void queryclass(std::string name, T *value, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:455
#define INFO
Definition: Util.H:20
int queryarr(std::string name, std::vector< T > &value, std::string, std::string, int)
Definition: ParmParse.H:335
int AnyUnusedInputs()
Definition: ParmParse.H:400
int query_validate(std::string name, int &value, std::vector< int > possibleintvals, std::string file="", std::string func="", int line=-1)
Definition: ParmParse.H:194
void Message(std::string file, std::string func, int line, Args const &... args)
Definition: Util.H:138
void select(std::string name, PTRTYPE *&ic_eta, Args &&... args)
Definition: ParmParse.H:541