Solver::Local Namespace Reference


Set::Matrix CG (Set::Matrix4< 3, Set::Sym::MajorMinor > A, Set::Matrix b, Set::Matrix x=Set::Matrix::Zero(), Set::iMatrix mask=Set::iMatrix::Zero(), int verbose=false)

Function Documentation

◆ CG()

Set::Matrix Solver::Local::CG ( Set::Matrix4< 3, Set::Sym::MajorMinor >  A,
Set::Matrix  b,
Set::Matrix  x = Set::Matrix::Zero(),
Set::iMatrix  mask = Set::iMatrix::Zero(),
int  verbose = false 

This is a basic implementation of the conjugate gradient method to solve systems of the form

\[ \mathbb{A}\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}\]

where \(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{b}\in \text{Sym}(GL(3))\), i.e. the set of symmetric 3x3 matrices, and \(\mathbb{A}\) is a 4th order tensor with major and minor symmetries.

Definition at line 16 of file CG.H.

Here is the call graph for this function: