LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/Integrator - Flame.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 299 426 70.2 %
Date: 2024-11-18 05:28:54 Functions: 19 25 76.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #include "Flame.H"
       2             : #include "IO/ParmParse.H"
       3             : #include "BC/Constant.H"
       4             : #include "Numeric/Stencil.H"
       5             : #include "IC/Laminate.H"
       6             : #include "IC/Constant.H"
       7             : #include "IC/PSRead.H"
       8             : #include "Numeric/Function.H"
       9             : #include "IC/Expression.H"
      10             : #include "IC/BMP.H"
      11             : #include "Base/Mechanics.H"
      12             : 
      13             : #include <cmath>
      14             : 
      15             : namespace Integrator
      16             : {
      17             : 
      18           3 : Flame::Flame() : Base::Mechanics<model_type>() {}
      19             : 
      20           3 : Flame::Flame(IO::ParmParse& pp) : Flame()
      21             : {
      22           3 :     pp_queryclass(*this);
      23           3 : }
      24             : 
      25             : // [parser]
      26             : void
      27           3 : Flame::Parse(Flame& value, IO::ParmParse& pp)
      28             : {
      29             :     BL_PROFILE("Integrator::Flame::Flame()");
      30             :     {
      31           3 :         pp_query_default("timestep", value.base_time, 1.0e-4); //Simulation timestep
      32           3 :         pp_query_default("pf.eps",, 0.0); // Burn width thickness
      33           3 :         pp_query_default("pf.kappa",, 0.0); // Interface energy param
      34           3 :         pp_query_default("pf.gamma",, 1.0); // Scaling factor for mobility
      35           3 :         pp_query_default("pf.lambda",, 0.0); // Chemical potential multiplier
      36           3 :         pp_query_default("pf.w1",, 0.0); // Unburned rest energy
      37           3 :         pp_query_default("pf.w12",, 0.0);  // Barrier energy
      38           3 :         pp_query_default("pf.w0",, 0.0);    // Burned rest energy
      39           3 :         pp_query_default("amr.ghost_cells", value.ghost_count, 2); // number of ghost cells in all fields
      40           3 :         pp_query_default("geometry.x_len", value.x_len, 0.001); // Domain x length
      41           3 :         pp_query_default("geometry.y_len", value.y_len, 0.001); // Domain y length
      42             : 
      43             :         //value.bc_eta = new BC::Constant(1);
      44             : 
      45             : 
      46           3 :<BC::Constant>("pf.eta.bc", value.bc_eta, 1 ); 
      47           3 :         value.RegisterNewFab(value.eta_mf, value.bc_eta, 1, value.ghost_count, "eta", true);
      48           3 :         value.RegisterNewFab(value.eta_old_mf, value.bc_eta, 1, value.ghost_count, "eta_old", false);
      49             : 
      50             :         // phase field initial condition
      51           3 :<IC::Constant,IC::Expression>("pf.eta.ic",value.ic_eta,value.geom); // after comment
      52             : 
      53             :         // phase field initial condition
      54           3 :<IC::Laminate,IC::Constant,IC::Expression,IC::BMP,IC::PNG>("eta.ic",value.ic_eta,value.geom); 
      55             :     }
      56             : 
      57             :     {
      58             :         //IO::ParmParse pp("thermal");
      59           3 :         pp_query_default("thermal.on", value.thermal.on, false); // Whether to use the Thermal Transport Model
      60           3 :         pp_query_default("elastic.on", value.elastic.on, 0); // Whether to use Neo-hookean Elastic model
      61           3 :         pp_query_default("thermal.bound", value.thermal.bound, 0.0); // System Initial Temperature
      62           3 :         pp_query_default("elastic.traction", value.elastic.traction, 0.0); // Body force
      63           3 :         pp_query_default("elastic.phirefinement", value.elastic.phirefinement, 1); // Phi refinement criteria 
      64             : 
      65             : 
      66             : 
      67           3 :         if (value.thermal.on) {
      68           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.rho_ap", value.thermal.rho_ap); // AP Density
      69           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.rho_htpb", value.thermal.rho_htpb); // HTPB Density
      70           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.k_ap", value.thermal.k_ap); // AP Thermal Conductivity
      71           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.k_htpb", value.thermal.k_htpb); // HTPB Thermal Conductivity
      72           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.cp_ap", value.thermal.cp_ap); // AP Specific Heat
      73           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.cp_htpb", value.thermal.cp_htpb); //HTPB Specific Heat
      74             : 
      75           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.q0", value.thermal.q0, 0.0); // Baseline heat flux
      76             : 
      77           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.m_ap", value.thermal.m_ap); // AP Pre-exponential factor for Arrhenius Law
      78           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.m_htpb", value.thermal.m_htpb); // HTPB Pre-exponential factor for Arrhenius Law
      79           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.E_ap", value.thermal.E_ap); // AP Activation Energy for Arrhenius Law
      80           1 :             pp_query_required("thermal.E_htpb", value.thermal.E_htpb); // HTPB Activation Energy for Arrhenius Law
      81             : 
      82           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.hc", value.thermal.hc, 1.0); // Used to change heat flux units
      83           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.massfraction", value.thermal.massfraction, 0.8); // Systen AP mass fraction
      84           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.mlocal_ap", value.thermal.mlocal_ap, 0.0); // AP mass flux reference value 
      85           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.mlocal_htpb", value.thermal.mlocal_htpb, 0.0); // HTPB mass flux reference value 
      86           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.mlocal_comb", value.thermal.mlocal_comb, 0.0); // AP/HTPB mass flux reference value 
      87             : 
      88           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.T_fluid", value.thermal.T_fluid, 300.0); // Temperature of the Standin Fluid 
      89             : 
      90           1 :             pp_query("thermal.disperssion1", value.thermal.disperssion1); // K; dispersion variables are use to set the outter field properties for the void grain case.
      91           1 :             pp_query("thermal.disperssion2", value.thermal.disperssion2); // rho; dispersion variables are use to set the outter field properties for the void grain case.
      92           1 :             pp_query("thermal.disperssion3", value.thermal.disperssion3); // cp; dispersion variables are use to set the outter field properties for the void grain case.
      93             : 
      94           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.modeling_ap", value.thermal.modeling_ap, 1.0); // Scaling factor for AP thermal conductivity (default = 1.0)
      95           1 :             pp_query_default("thermal.modeling_htpb", value.thermal.modeling_htpb, 1.0); // Scaling factor for HTPB thermal conductivity (default = 1.0)
      96             : 
      97             : 
      98             :             //value.bc_temp = new BC::Constant(1);
      99           1 :   <BC::Constant>("thermal.temp.bc", value.bc_temp, 1);
     100             :             
     101           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.temp_mf, value.bc_temp, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "temp", true);
     102           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.temp_old_mf, value.bc_temp, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "temp_old", false);
     103           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.temps_mf, value.bc_temp, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "temps", false);
     104           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.temps_old_mf, value.bc_temp, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "temps_old", false);
     105             : 
     106           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.mdot_mf, value.bc_eta, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "mdot", value.plot_field);
     107           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.mob_mf, value.bc_eta, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "mob", value.plot_field);
     108           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.alpha_mf, value.bc_temp, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "alpha", value.plot_field);
     109           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.heatflux_mf, value.bc_temp, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "heatflux", value.plot_field);
     110           1 :             value.RegisterNewFab(value.laser_mf, value.bc_temp, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "laser", value.plot_field);
     111             : 
     112           1 :             value.RegisterIntegratedVariable(&value.volume, "total_area");
     113           1 :             value.RegisterIntegratedVariable(&value.area, "Interface_area");
     114           1 :             value.RegisterIntegratedVariable(&value.chamber_area, "chamber_area", false);
     115           1 :             value.RegisterIntegratedVariable(&value.massflux, "mass_flux");
     116           1 :             value.RegisterIntegratedVariable(&value.chamber_pressure, "Pressure", false);
     117             : 
     118             :             // laser initial condition
     119           1 :   <IC::Constant,IC::Expression>("laser.ic",value.ic_laser, value.geom);
     120             : 
     121             :             // thermal initial condition
     122           1 :   <IC::Constant,IC::Expression,IC::BMP,IC::PNG>("temp.ic",value.thermal.ic_temp,value.geom);
     123             :         }
     124             :     }
     125             : 
     126             :     {
     127           3 :         pp_query_default("pressure.P", value.pressure.P, 1.0); // Constant pressure value
     128           3 :         if (value.thermal.on)
     129             :         {
     130           1 :             pp_query_required("pressure.a1", value.pressure.arrhenius.a1); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - AP
     131           1 :             pp_query_required("pressure.a2", value.pressure.arrhenius.a2); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - HTPB
     132           1 :             pp_query_required("pressure.a3", value.pressure.arrhenius.a3); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - Total
     133           1 :             pp_query_required("pressure.b1", value.pressure.arrhenius.b1); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - AP
     134           1 :             pp_query_required("pressure.b2", value.pressure.arrhenius.b2); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - HTPB
     135           1 :             pp_query_required("pressure.b3", value.pressure.arrhenius.b3); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - Total
     136           1 :             pp_query_required("pressure.c1", value.pressure.arrhenius.c1); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - Total
     137           1 :             pp_query_default("pressure.mob_ap", value.pressure.arrhenius.mob_ap, 0); // Whether to include pressure to the arrhenius law
     138           1 :             pp_query_default("pressure.dependency", value.pressure.arrhenius.dependency, 1); // Whether to use pressure to determined the reference Zeta 
     139           1 :             pp_query_default("pressure.h1", value.pressure.arrhenius.h1, 1.81); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - Homogenized
     140           1 :             pp_query_default("pressure.h2", value.pressure.arrhenius.h2, 1.34); // Surgate heat flux model paramater - Homogenized
     141             : 
     142             :         }
     143             :         else
     144             :         {
     145           2 :             pp_query_required("pressure.r_ap", value.pressure.power.r_ap);     // AP power pressure law parameter (r*P^n)
     146           2 :             pp_query_required("pressure.r_htpb", value.pressure.power.r_htpb); // HTPB power pressure law parameter (r*P^n)
     147           2 :             pp_query_required("pressure.r_comb", value.pressure.power.r_comb); // AP/HTPB power pressure law parameter (r*P^n)
     148           2 :             pp_query_required("pressure.n_ap", value.pressure.power.n_ap);     // AP power pressure law parameter (r*P^n)
     149           2 :             pp_query_required("pressure.n_htpb", value.pressure.power.n_htpb); // HTPB power pressure law parameter (r*P^n)
     150           2 :             pp_query_required("pressure.n_comb", value.pressure.power.n_comb); // AP/HTPB power pressure law parameter (r*P^n)
     151             :         }
     152           3 :         pp_query_default("variable_pressure", value.variable_pressure, 0); // Whether to compute the pressure evolution
     153           3 :         pp_query_default("homogeneousSystem", value.homogeneousSystem, 0); // Whether to initialize Phi with homogenized properties
     154             :     }
     155             : 
     156           3 :     pp_query_default("amr.refinement_criterion", value.m_refinement_criterion, 0.001);// Refinement criterion for eta field   
     157           3 :     pp_query_default("amr.refinement_criterion_temp", value.t_refinement_criterion, 0.001);// Refinement criterion for temperature field    
     158           3 :     pp_query_default("amr.refinament_restriction", value.t_refinement_restriction, 0.1);// Eta value to restrict the refinament for the temperature field 
     159           3 :     pp_query_default("amr.phi_refinement_criterion", value.phi_refinement_criterion, 1.0e100);// Refinement criterion for phi field [infinity]
     160           3 :     pp_query_default("small", value.small, 1.0e-8); // Lowest value of Eta.
     161             : 
     162             :     {
     163             :         // The material field is referred to as :math:`\phi(\mathbf{x})` and is 
     164             :         // specified using these parameters. 
     165           3 :         std::string phi_ic_type = "packedspheres";
     166           3 :         pp_query_validate("phi.ic.type", phi_ic_type, {"psread", "laminate", "expression", "constant", "bmp", "png"}); // IC type (psread, laminate, constant)
     167           3 :         if (phi_ic_type == "psread") {
     168           0 :             value.ic_phi = new IC::PSRead(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.psread");
     169             :             //value.ic_phicell = new IC::PSRead(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.psread");
     170           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.ic.psread.eps", value.zeta, 1.0e-5); // AP/HTPB interface length
     171           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta_0", value.zeta_0, 1.0e-5); // Reference interface length for heat integration
     172             :         }
     173           3 :         else if (phi_ic_type == "laminate") {
     174           3 :             value.ic_phi = new IC::Laminate(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.laminate");
     175             :             //value.ic_phicell = new IC::Laminate(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.laminate");
     176           3 :             pp_query_default("phi.ic.laminate.eps", value.zeta, 1.0e-5); // AP/HTPB interface length
     177           3 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta_0", value.zeta_0, 1.0e-5); // Reference interface length for heat integration
     178             :         }
     179           0 :         else if (phi_ic_type == "expression") {
     180           0 :             value.ic_phi = new IC::Expression(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.expression");
     181             :             //value.ic_phicell = new IC::Expression(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.expression");
     182           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta_0", value.zeta_0, 1.0e-5); // Reference interface length for heat integration
     183           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta", value.zeta, 1.0e-5); // AP/HTPB interface length
     184             :         }
     185           0 :         else if (phi_ic_type == "constant") {
     186           0 :             value.ic_phi = new IC::Constant(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.constant");
     187             :             //value.ic_phicell = new IC::Constant(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.constant");
     188           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta_0", value.zeta_0, 1.0e-5); // Reference interface length for heat integration
     189           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta", value.zeta, 1.0e-5); // AP/HTPB interface length
     190             :         }
     191           0 :         else if (phi_ic_type == "bmp") {
     192           0 :             value.ic_phi = new IC::BMP(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.bmp");
     193             :             //value.ic_phicell = new IC::BMP(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.bmp");
     194           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta_0", value.zeta_0, 1.0e-5); // Reference interface length for heat integration
     195           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta", value.zeta, 1.0e-5); // AP/HTPB interface length
     196             :         }
     197           0 :         else if (phi_ic_type == "png") {
     198           0 :             value.ic_phi = new IC::PNG(value.geom, pp, "phi.ic.png");
     199           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta_0", value.zeta_0, 1.0e-5); // Reference interface length for heat integration
     200           0 :             pp_query_default("phi.zeta", value.zeta, 1.0e-5); // AP/HTPB interface length
     201             :         }
     202           0 :         else Util::Abort(INFO, "Invalid IC type ", phi_ic_type);
     203             :         //value.RegisterNewFab(value.phi_mf, 1, "phi_cell", true);
     204           3 :         value.RegisterNodalFab(value.phi_mf, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "phi", true);
     205             :         //value.RegisterNewFab(value.phicell_mf, value.bc_eta, 1, value.ghost_count + 1, "phi", true);
     206             :     }
     207             : 
     208           3 :     pp.queryclass<Base::Mechanics<model_type>>("elastic",value);
     209             : 
     210           3 :     if (value.m_type != Type::Disable)
     211             :     {
     212           0 :         value.elastic.Tref = value.thermal.bound;
     213           0 :         pp_query_default("Tref", value.elastic.Tref, 300.0); // Initial temperature for thermal expansion computation
     214           0 :         pp.queryclass<Model::Solid::Finite::NeoHookeanPredeformed>("model_ap", value.elastic.model_ap);
     215           0 :         pp.queryclass<Model::Solid::Finite::NeoHookeanPredeformed>("model_htpb", value.elastic.model_htpb);
     216             : 
     217           0 :         value.bc_psi = new BC::Nothing();
     218           0 :         value.RegisterNewFab(value.psi_mf, value.bc_psi, 1, value.ghost_count, "psi", value.plot_psi);
     219           0 :         value.psi_on = true;
     220             :     }
     221           3 : }
     222             : 
     223          24 : void Flame::Initialize(int lev)
     224             : {
     225             :     BL_PROFILE("Integrator::Flame::Initialize");
     226          24 :     Util::Message(INFO, m_type);
     227          24 :     Base::Mechanics<model_type>::Initialize(lev);
     228             : 
     229          24 :     ic_eta->Initialize(lev, eta_mf);
     230          24 :     ic_eta->Initialize(lev, eta_old_mf);
     231          24 :     ic_phi->Initialize(lev, phi_mf);
     232             :     //ic_phicell->Initialize(lev, phicell_mf);
     233             : 
     234          24 :     if (elastic.on) {
     235           0 :         psi_mf[lev]->setVal(1.0);
     236           0 :         rhs_mf[lev]->setVal(Set::Vector::Zero());
     237             :     }
     238          24 :     if (thermal.on) {
     239           8 :         if (thermal.ic_temp)
     240             :         {
     241           8 :             thermal.ic_temp->Initialize(lev,temp_mf);
     242           8 :             thermal.ic_temp->Initialize(lev,temp_old_mf);
     243           8 :             thermal.ic_temp->Initialize(lev,temps_mf);
     244           8 :             thermal.ic_temp->Initialize(lev,temps_old_mf);
     245             :         }
     246             :         else
     247             :         {
     248           0 :             temp_mf[lev]->setVal(thermal.bound);
     249           0 :             temp_old_mf[lev]->setVal(thermal.bound);
     250           0 :             temps_mf[lev]->setVal(thermal.bound);
     251           0 :             temps_old_mf[lev]->setVal(thermal.bound);
     252             :         }
     253           8 :         alpha_mf[lev]->setVal(0.0);
     254           8 :         mob_mf[lev]->setVal(0.0);
     255           8 :         mdot_mf[lev]->setVal(0.0);
     256           8 :         heatflux_mf[lev]->setVal(0.0);
     257             :         // pressure_mf[lev]->setVal(1.0); // [error]
     258           8 :         thermal.w1 = 0.2 * pressure.P + 0.9;
     259           8 :         thermal.T_fluid = thermal.bound;
     260           8 :         ic_laser->Initialize(lev, laser_mf);
     261           8 :         thermal.mlocal_htpb = 685000.0 - 850e3 * thermal.massfraction;
     262             :     }
     263          24 :     if (variable_pressure) pressure.P = 1.0;
     264          24 : }
     265             : 
     266           0 : void Flame::UpdateModel(int /*a_step*/, Set::Scalar /*a_time*/)
     267             : {
     268           0 :     if (m_type == Base::Mechanics<model_type>::Type::Disable) return;
     269             : 
     270           0 :     for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
     271             :     {
     272           0 :         amrex::Box domain = this->geom[lev].Domain();
     273           0 :         domain.convert(amrex::IntVect::TheNodeVector());
     274           0 :         const Set::Scalar* DX = geom[lev].CellSize();
     275             : 
     276             :         //psi_mf[lev]->setVal(1.0);
     277           0 :         phi_mf[lev]->FillBoundary();
     278             :         //phicell_mf[lev]->FillBoundary();
     279           0 :         eta_mf[lev]->FillBoundary();
     280           0 :         temp_mf[lev]->FillBoundary();
     281             : 
     282           0 :         for (MFIter mfi(*model_mf[lev], false); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
     283             :         {
     284           0 :             amrex::Box bx = mfi.grownnodaltilebox() & domain;
     285             :             //amrex::Box bx = mfi.nodaltilebox();
     286             :             //bx.grow(1);
     287           0 :             amrex::Array4<model_type>        const& model = model_mf[lev]->array(mfi);
     288           0 :             amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& phi = phi_mf[lev]->array(mfi);
     289           0 :             amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& eta = eta_mf[lev]->array(mfi);
     290           0 :             amrex::Array4<Set::Vector> const& rhs = rhs_mf[lev]->array(mfi);
     291             :             // amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& Pressure = pressure_mf[lev]->array(mfi); // [error]
     292             : 
     293           0 :             if (elastic.on)
     294             :             {
     295           0 :                 amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& temp = temp_mf[lev]->array(mfi);
     296           0 :                 amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     297             :                 {
     298             :                     //auto sten = Numeric::GetStencil(i, j, k, bx);
     299           0 :                     Set::Scalar phi_avg = phi(i, j, k, 0);
     300           0 :                     Set::Scalar temp_avg = Numeric::Interpolate::CellToNodeAverage(temp, i, j, k, 0);
     301           0 :                     Set::Vector grad_eta = Numeric::CellGradientOnNode(eta, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     302           0 :                     rhs(i, j, k) = elastic.traction * grad_eta;
     303             : 
     304           0 :                     model_type model_ap = elastic.model_ap;
     305           0 :                     model_ap.F0 -= Set::Matrix::Identity();
     306           0 :                     model_ap.F0 *= (temp_avg - elastic.Tref);
     307           0 :                     model_ap.F0 += Set::Matrix::Identity();
     308           0 :                     model_type model_htpb = elastic.model_htpb;
     309           0 :                     model_htpb.F0 -= Set::Matrix::Identity();
     310           0 :                     model_htpb.F0 *= (temp_avg - elastic.Tref);
     311           0 :                     model_htpb.F0 += Set::Matrix::Identity();
     312             : 
     313           0 :                     model(i, j, k) = model_ap * phi_avg + model_htpb * (1. - phi_avg);
     314           0 :                 });
     315             :             }
     316             :             else
     317             :             {
     318           0 :                 amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     319             :                 {
     320           0 :                     Set::Scalar phi_avg = Numeric::Interpolate::CellToNodeAverage(phi, i, j, k, 0);
     321             :                     //phi_avg = phi(i,j,k,0);
     322           0 :                     model_type model_ap = elastic.model_ap;
     323           0 :                     model_ap.F0 *= Set::Matrix::Zero();
     324           0 :                     model_type model_htpb = elastic.model_htpb;
     325           0 :                     model_htpb.F0 *= Set::Matrix::Zero();
     326           0 :                     model(i, j, k) = model_ap * phi_avg + model_htpb * (1. - phi_avg);
     327           0 :                 });
     328             :             }
     329             :         }
     330           0 :         Util::RealFillBoundary(*model_mf[lev], geom[lev]);
     331             : 
     332           0 :         psi_mf[lev]->setVal(1.0);
     333           0 :         amrex::MultiFab::Copy(*psi_mf[lev], *eta_mf[lev], 0, 0, 1, psi_mf[lev]->nGrow());
     334             :     }
     335             : }
     336             : 
     337         212 : void Flame::TimeStepBegin(Set::Scalar a_time, int a_iter)
     338             : {
     339             :     BL_PROFILE("Integrator::Flame::TimeStepBegin");
     340         212 :     Base::Mechanics<model_type>::TimeStepBegin(a_time, a_iter);
     341         212 :     if (thermal.on) {
     342          90 :         for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev)
     343          80 :             ic_laser->Initialize(lev, laser_mf, a_time);
     344             :     }
     345         212 : }
     346             : 
     347         212 : void Flame::TimeStepComplete(Set::Scalar /*a_time*/, int /*a_iter*/)
     348             : {
     349             :     BL_PROFILE("Integrator::Flame::TimeStepComplete");
     350         212 :     if (variable_pressure) {
     351           0 :         Set::Scalar domain_area = x_len * y_len;
     352           0 :         chamber_pressure = pressure.P;
     353           0 :         chamber_area = domain_area - volume;
     354           0 :         Util::Message(INFO, "Mass = ", massflux);
     355           0 :         Util::Message(INFO, "Pressure = ", pressure.P);
     356             :     }
     357         212 : }
     358             : 
     359       54060 : void Flame::Advance(int lev, Set::Scalar time, Set::Scalar dt)
     360             : {
     361             :     BL_PROFILE("Integrador::Flame::Advance");
     362       54060 :     Base::Mechanics<model_type>::Advance(lev, time, dt);
     363       54060 :     const Set::Scalar* DX = geom[lev].CellSize();
     364             : 
     365             :     if (true) //lev == finest_level) //(true)
     366             :     {
     367       54060 :         if (thermal.on)
     368             :         {
     369        2550 :             std::swap(eta_old_mf[lev], eta_mf[lev]);
     370        2550 :             std::swap(temp_old_mf[lev], temp_mf[lev]);
     371        2550 :             std::swap(temps_old_mf[lev], temps_mf[lev]);
     372             : 
     373             :             Numeric::Function::Polynomial<4> w(pf.w0,
     374             :                 0.0,
     375        2550 :                 -5.0 * pf.w1 + 16.0 * pf.w12 - 11.0 * pf.w0,
     376        2550 :                 14.0 * pf.w1 - 32.0 * pf.w12 + 18.0 * pf.w0,
     377        2550 :                 -8.0 * pf.w1 + 16.0 * pf.w12 - 8.0 * pf.w0);
     378        2550 :             Numeric::Function::Polynomial<3> dw = w.D();
     379             : 
     380       13100 :             for (amrex::MFIter mfi(*eta_mf[lev], true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
     381             :             {
     382       10550 :                 const amrex::Box& bx = mfi.tilebox();
     383             :                 // Phase fields
     384       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar> const& etanew = (*eta_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     385       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& eta = (*eta_old_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     386       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& phi = (*phi_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     387             :                 //amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& phicell = (*phicell_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     388             :                 // Heat transfer fields
     389       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar>       const& tempnew = (*temp_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     390       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& temp = (*temp_old_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     391       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar>       const& alpha = (*alpha_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     392       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar>       const& tempsnew = (*temps_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     393       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar>       const& temps = (*temps_old_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     394       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar>       const& laser = (*laser_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     395             :                 // Diagnostic fields
     396       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar> const& mob = (*mob_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     397       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar> const& mdot = (*mdot_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     398       10550 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar> const& heatflux = (*heatflux_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     399             : 
     400       10550 :                 if (variable_pressure) {
     401           0 :                     pressure.P = exp(0.00075 * massflux);
     402           0 :                     if (pressure.P > 10.0) {
     403           0 :                         pressure.P = 10.0;
     404             :                     }
     405           0 :                     else if (pressure.P <= 0.99) {
     406           0 :                         pressure.P = 0.99;
     407             :                     }
     408           0 :                     elastic.traction = pressure.P;
     409             : 
     410             :                 }
     411             : 
     412       10550 :                 Set::Scalar zeta_2 = 0.000045 - pressure.P * 6.42e-6;
     413             :                 Set::Scalar zeta_1;
     414       10550 :                 if (pressure.arrhenius.dependency == 1) zeta_1 = zeta_2;
     415           0 :                 else zeta_1 = zeta_0;
     416             : 
     417       10550 :                 Set::Scalar k1 = pressure.arrhenius.a1 * pressure.P + pressure.arrhenius.b1 - zeta_1 / zeta;
     418       10550 :                 Set::Scalar k2 = pressure.arrhenius.a2 * pressure.P + pressure.arrhenius.b2 - zeta_1 / zeta;
     419       10550 :                 Set::Scalar k3 = 4.0 * log((pressure.arrhenius.c1 * pressure.P * pressure.P + pressure.arrhenius.a3 * pressure.P + pressure.arrhenius.b3) - k1 / 2.0 - k2 / 2.0);
     420       10550 :                 Set::Scalar k4 = pressure.arrhenius.h1 * pressure.P + pressure.arrhenius.h2;
     421             : 
     422       10550 :                 amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     423             :                 {
     424     1747840 :                     Set::Scalar phi_avg = Numeric::Interpolate::NodeToCellAverage(phi, i, j, k, 0);
     425     1747840 :                     Set::Scalar eta_lap = Numeric::Laplacian(eta, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     426             :                     Set::Scalar K; // Calculate effective thermal conductivity
     427             :                     Set::Scalar rho; // No special interface mixure rule is needed here.
     428             :                     Set::Scalar cp;
     429     1747840 :                     if (homogeneousSystem) {
     430           0 :                         K = (thermal.modeling_ap * thermal.k_ap * thermal.massfraction + thermal.modeling_htpb * thermal.k_htpb * (1.0 - thermal.massfraction)) * phi_avg + thermal.disperssion1 * (1. - phi_avg); // Calculate effective thermal conductivity
     431           0 :                         rho = (thermal.rho_ap * thermal.massfraction + thermal.rho_htpb * (1.0 - thermal.massfraction)) * phi_avg + thermal.disperssion2 * (1. - phi_avg); // No special interface mixure rule is needed here.
     432           0 :                         cp = (thermal.cp_ap * thermal.massfraction + thermal.cp_htpb * (1.0 - thermal.massfraction)) * phi_avg + thermal.disperssion3 * (1. - phi_avg);
     433             :                     }
     434             :                     else {
     435     1747840 :                         K = thermal.modeling_ap * thermal.k_ap * phi_avg + thermal.modeling_htpb * thermal.k_htpb * (1.0 - phi_avg); // Calculate effective thermal conductivity
     436     1747840 :                         rho = thermal.rho_ap * phi_avg + thermal.rho_htpb * (1.0 - phi_avg); // No special interface mixure rule is needed here.
     437     1747840 :                         cp = thermal.cp_ap * phi_avg + thermal.cp_htpb * (1.0 - phi_avg);
     438             :                     }
     439     3495680 :                     Set::Scalar df_deta = ((pf.lambda / pf.eps) * dw(eta(i, j, k)) - pf.eps * pf.kappa * eta_lap);
     440     5243520 :                     etanew(i, j, k) = eta(i, j, k) - mob(i, j, k) * dt * df_deta;
     441     3495680 :                     if (etanew(i, j, k) <= small) etanew(i, j, k) = small;
     442             : 
     443     1747840 :                     alpha(i, j, k) = K / rho / cp; // Calculate thermal diffusivity and store in fiel
     444     5243520 :                     mdot(i, j, k) = rho * fabs(eta(i, j, k) - etanew(i, j, k)) / dt; // deta/dt  
     445             : 
     446     6991360 :                     if (isnan(etanew(i, j, k)) || isnan(alpha(i, j, k)) || isnan(mdot(i, j, k))) {
     447           0 :                         Util::Message(INFO, etanew(i, j, k), "etanew contains nan (i=", i, " j= ", j, ")");
     448           0 :                         Util::Message(INFO, mdot(i, j, k), "mdot contains nan (i=", i, " j= ", j, ")");
     449           0 :                         Util::Message(INFO, alpha(i, j, k), "alpha contains nan (i=", i, " j= ", j, ")");
     450           0 :                         Util::Abort(INFO);
     451             :                     }
     452     1747840 :                 });
     453             : 
     454       10550 :                 amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     455             :                 {
     456     1747840 :                     Set::Scalar phi_avg = Numeric::Interpolate::NodeToCellAverage(phi, i, j, k, 0);
     457             :                     //phi_avg = phicell(i,j,k);
     458             :                     Set::Scalar K;
     459             :                     Set::Scalar qflux;
     460             :                     Set::Scalar mlocal;
     461             :                     Set::Scalar mdota;
     462             :                     Set::Scalar mbase;
     463             : 
     464     1747840 :                     if (homogeneousSystem) {
     465           0 :                         qflux = k4 * phi_avg;
     466           0 :                         mlocal = (thermal.mlocal_ap) * thermal.massfraction + (thermal.mlocal_htpb) * (1.0 - thermal.massfraction);
     467           0 :                         mdota = fabs(mdot(i, j, k));
     468           0 :                         mbase = tanh(4.0 * mdota / (mlocal));
     469           0 :                         K = (thermal.modeling_ap * thermal.k_ap * thermal.massfraction + thermal.modeling_htpb * thermal.k_htpb * (1.0 - thermal.massfraction)) * phi_avg + thermal.disperssion1 * (1. - phi_avg);
     470           0 :                         heatflux(i, j, k) = (laser(i, j, k) * phi_avg + thermal.hc * mbase * qflux) / K;
     471             :                     }
     472             :                     else {
     473     1747840 :                         qflux = k1 * phi_avg +
     474     1747840 :                             k2 * (1.0 - phi_avg) +
     475     1747840 :                             (zeta_1 / zeta) * exp(k3 * phi_avg * (1.0 - phi_avg));
     476     1747840 :                         mlocal = (thermal.mlocal_ap) * phi_avg + (thermal.mlocal_htpb) * (1.0 - phi_avg) + thermal.mlocal_comb * phi_avg * (1.0 - phi_avg);
     477     1747840 :                         mdota = fabs(mdot(i, j, k));
     478     1747840 :                         mbase = tanh(4.0 * mdota / (mlocal));
     479             : 
     480     1747840 :                         K = thermal.modeling_ap * thermal.k_ap * phi_avg + thermal.modeling_htpb * thermal.k_htpb * (1.0 - phi_avg);
     481     5243520 :                         heatflux(i, j, k) = (thermal.hc * mbase * qflux + laser(i, j, k)) / K;
     482             :                     }
     483             : 
     484     3495680 :                     if (isnan(heatflux(i, j, k))) {
     485           0 :                         Util::Message(INFO, heatflux(i, j, k), "heat contains nan (i=", i, " j= ", j, ")");
     486           0 :                         Util::Abort(INFO);
     487             :                     }
     488     1747840 :                 });
     489             : 
     490       10550 :                 amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     491             :                 {
     492     1747840 :                     auto sten = Numeric::GetStencil(i, j, k, bx);
     493     1747840 :                     Set::Vector grad_eta = Numeric::Gradient(eta, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     494     1747840 :                     Set::Vector grad_temp = Numeric::Gradient(temp, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     495     1747840 :                     Set::Scalar lap_temp = Numeric::Laplacian(temp, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     496     1747840 :                     Set::Scalar grad_eta_mag = grad_eta.lpNorm<2>();
     497     1747840 :                     Set::Vector grad_alpha = Numeric::Gradient(alpha, i, j, k, 0, DX, sten);
     498     1747840 :                     Set::Scalar dTdt = 0.0;
     499     3495680 :                     dTdt += * alpha(i, j, k));
     500     3495680 :                     dTdt +=, j, k) * grad_temp);
     501     3495680 :                     dTdt += eta(i, j, k) * alpha(i, j, k) * lap_temp;
     502     3495680 :                     dTdt += alpha(i, j, k) * heatflux(i, j, k) * grad_eta_mag;
     503             :                     Set::Scalar Tsolid;
     504     5243520 :                     Tsolid = dTdt + temps(i, j, k) * (etanew(i, j, k) - eta(i, j, k)) / dt;
     505     3495680 :                     tempsnew(i, j, k) = temps(i, j, k) + dt * Tsolid;
     506     6991360 :                     tempnew(i, j, k) = etanew(i, j, k) * tempsnew(i, j, k) + (1.0 - etanew(i, j, k)) * thermal.T_fluid;
     507     5243520 :                     if (isnan(tempsnew(i, j, k)) || isnan(temps(i, j, k))) {
     508           0 :                         Util::Message(INFO, tempsnew(i, j, k), "tempsnew contains nan (i=", i, " j= ", j, ")");
     509           0 :                         Util::Message(INFO, temps(i, j, k), "temps contains nan (i=", i, " j= ", j, ")");
     510           0 :                         Util::Abort(INFO);
     511             :                     }
     512             : 
     513     1747840 :                 });
     514             : 
     515       10550 :                 amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     516             :                 {
     517     1747840 :                     Set::Scalar phi_avg = Numeric::Interpolate::NodeToCellAverage(phi, i, j, k, 0);
     518             :                     //phi_avg = phicell(i,j,k);
     519             : 
     520             :                     Set::Scalar L;
     521     1747840 :                     if (pressure.arrhenius.mob_ap == 1) L = thermal.m_ap * pressure.P * exp(-thermal.E_ap / tempnew(i, j, k)) * phi_avg;
     522     3495680 :                     else L = thermal.m_ap * exp(-thermal.E_ap / tempnew(i, j, k)) * phi_avg;
     523     1747840 :                     L += thermal.m_htpb * exp(-thermal.E_htpb / tempnew(i, j, k)) * (1.0 - phi_avg);
     524             :                     //L += thermal.m_comb * (0.5 * tempnew(i, j, k) / thermal.bound) * phi(i, j, k) * (1.0 - phi(i, j, k));
     525     3501040 :                     if (tempnew(i, j, k) <= thermal.bound) mob(i, j, k) = 0;
     526     3484960 :                     else mob(i, j, k) = L;
     527             :                     //mob(i,j,k) = L;
     528     3495680 :                     if (isnan(mob(i, j, k))) {
     529           0 :                         Util::Message(INFO, mob(i, j, k), "mob contains nan (i=", i, " j= ", j, ")");
     530           0 :                         Util::Abort(INFO);
     531             :                     }
     532     1747840 :                 });
     533             :             } // MFi For loop 
     534             : 
     535             :         } // thermal IF
     536             :         else
     537             :         {
     538       51510 :             std::swap(eta_old_mf[lev], eta_mf[lev]);
     539             :             Numeric::Function::Polynomial<4> w(pf.w0,
     540             :                 0.0,
     541       51510 :                 -5.0 * pf.w1 + 16.0 * pf.w12 - 11.0 * pf.w0,
     542       51510 :                 14.0 * pf.w1 - 32.0 * pf.w12 + 18.0 * pf.w0,
     543       51510 :                 -8.0 * pf.w1 + 16.0 * pf.w12 - 8.0 * pf.w0
     544       51510 :             );
     545       51510 :             Numeric::Function::Polynomial<3> dw = w.D();
     546             : 
     547      154876 :             for (amrex::MFIter mfi(*eta_mf[lev], true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
     548             :             {
     549      103366 :                 const amrex::Box& bx = mfi.tilebox();
     550             :                 //Phase Fields
     551      103366 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar> const& etanew = (*eta_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     552      103366 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar> const& eta = (*eta_old_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     553      103366 :                 amrex::Array4<Set::Scalar> const& phi = (*phi_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     554             : 
     555      103366 :                 Set::Scalar fmod_ap = pressure.power.r_ap * pow(pressure.P, pressure.power.n_ap);
     556      103366 :                 Set::Scalar fmod_htpb = pressure.power.r_htpb * pow(pressure.P, pressure.power.n_htpb);
     557      103366 :                 Set::Scalar fmod_comb = pressure.power.r_comb * pow(pressure.P, pressure.power.n_comb);
     558             : 
     559      103366 :                 pressure.power.a_fit = -1.16582 * sin(pressure.P) - 0.681788 * cos(pressure.P) + 3.3563;
     560      103366 :                 pressure.power.b_fit = -0.708225 * sin(pressure.P) + 0.548067 * cos(pressure.P) + 1.55985;
     561      103366 :                 pressure.power.c_fit = -0.0130849 * sin(pressure.P) - 0.03597 * cos(pressure.P) + 0.00725694;
     562             : 
     563             : 
     564      103366 :                 amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     565             :                 {
     566             :                     //Set::Scalar phi_avg = Numeric::Interpolate::NodeToCellAverage(phi, i, j, k, 0);
     567             :                     Set::Scalar L;
     568    95704000 :                     if (homogeneousSystem == 1) {
     569           0 :                         Set::Vector grad_eta = Numeric::Gradient(eta, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     570           0 :                         Set::Scalar angle = acos(grad_eta[0] / grad_eta.lpNorm<2>()) * 180 / 3.1415;
     571           0 :                         if (angle > 90) angle = angle - 90.0;
     572           0 :                         if (angle > 180) angle = angle - 180.0;
     573           0 :                         if (angle > 270) angle = angle - 270.0;
     574           0 :                         L = pressure.power.a_fit + pressure.power.b_fit * exp(-pressure.power.c_fit * angle);
     575             :                     }
     576             :                     else {
     577             :                         Set::Scalar fs_actual;
     578    95704000 :                         fs_actual = fmod_ap * phi(i, j, k)
     579    95704000 :                             + fmod_htpb * (1.0 - phi(i, j, k))
     580   191408000 :                             + 4.0 * fmod_comb * phi(i, j, k) * (1.0 - phi(i, j, k));
     581    95704000 :                         L = fs_actual / pf.gamma / (pf.w1 - pf.w0);
     582             :                     }
     583    95704000 :                     Set::Scalar eta_lap = Numeric::Laplacian(eta, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     584   191408000 :                     Set::Scalar df_deta = ((pf.lambda / pf.eps) * dw(eta(i, j, k)) - pf.eps * pf.kappa * eta_lap);
     585   191408000 :                     etanew(i, j, k) = eta(i, j, k) - L * dt * df_deta;
     586             : 
     587   311333000 :                     if (etanew(i, j, k) > eta(i, j, k)) etanew(i, j, k) = eta(i, j, k);
     588    95704000 :                 });
     589             :             } // MFI For Loop 
     590             :         } // thermal ELSE      
     591             :     }// First IF
     592       54060 : } //Function
     593             : 
     594             : 
     595         263 : void Flame::TagCellsForRefinement(int lev, amrex::TagBoxArray& a_tags, Set::Scalar time, int ngrow)
     596             : {
     597             :     BL_PROFILE("Integrator::Flame::TagCellsForRefinement");
     598         263 :     Base::Mechanics<model_type>::TagCellsForRefinement(lev, a_tags, time, ngrow);
     599             : 
     600         263 :     const Set::Scalar* DX = geom[lev].CellSize();
     601         263 :     Set::Scalar dr = sqrt(AMREX_D_TERM(DX[0] * DX[0], +DX[1] * DX[1], +DX[2] * DX[2]));
     602             : 
     603             :     // Eta criterion for refinement
     604         709 :     for (amrex::MFIter mfi(*eta_mf[lev], true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
     605             :     {
     606         446 :         const amrex::Box& bx = mfi.tilebox();
     607         446 :         amrex::Array4<char> const& tags = a_tags.array(mfi);
     608         446 :         amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& eta = (*eta_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     609             : 
     610         446 :         amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     611             :         {
     612       78848 :             Set::Vector gradeta = Numeric::Gradient(eta, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     613      103214 :             if (gradeta.lpNorm<2>() * dr * 2 > m_refinement_criterion && eta(i, j, k) >= t_refinement_restriction)
     614       47748 :                 tags(i, j, k) = amrex::TagBox::SET;
     615       78848 :         });
     616             :     }
     617             : 
     618             :     // Phi criterion for refinement 
     619         263 :     if (elastic.phirefinement) {
     620         709 :         for (amrex::MFIter mfi(*eta_mf[lev], true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
     621             :         {
     622         446 :             const amrex::Box& bx = mfi.tilebox();
     623         446 :             amrex::Array4<char> const& tags = a_tags.array(mfi);
     624         446 :             amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& phi = (*phi_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     625             : 
     626         446 :             amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     627             :             {
     628       78848 :                 Set::Vector gradphi = Numeric::Gradient(phi, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     629       78848 :                 if (gradphi.lpNorm<2>() * dr >= phi_refinement_criterion)
     630           0 :                     tags(i, j, k) = amrex::TagBox::SET;
     631       78848 :             });
     632             :         }
     633             :     }
     634             : 
     635             : 
     636             :     // Thermal criterion for refinement 
     637         263 :     if (thermal.on) {
     638         507 :         for (amrex::MFIter mfi(*temp_mf[lev], true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
     639             :         {
     640         345 :             const amrex::Box& bx = mfi.tilebox();
     641         345 :             amrex::Array4<char> const& tags = a_tags.array(mfi);
     642         345 :             amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& temp = (*temp_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     643         345 :             amrex::Array4<const Set::Scalar> const& eta = (*eta_mf[lev]).array(mfi);
     644         345 :             amrex::ParallelFor(bx, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     645             :             {
     646       50928 :                 Set::Vector tempgrad = Numeric::Gradient(temp, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     647       50928 :                 if (tempgrad.lpNorm<2>() * dr > t_refinement_criterion && eta(i, j, k) >= t_refinement_restriction)
     648           0 :                     tags(i, j, k) = amrex::TagBox::SET;
     649       50928 :             });
     650             :         }
     651             :     }
     652             : 
     653             : 
     654         263 : }
     655             : 
     656          15 : void Flame::Regrid(int lev, Set::Scalar time)
     657             : {
     658             :     BL_PROFILE("Integrator::Flame::Regrid");
     659             :     //if (lev < finest_level) return;
     660             :     //phi_mf[lev]->setVal(0.0);
     661          15 :     ic_phi->Initialize(lev, phi_mf, time);
     662             :     //ic_phicell->Initialize(lev, phi_mf, time);
     663          15 : }
     664             : 
     665         220 : void Flame::Integrate(int amrlev, Set::Scalar /*time*/, int /*step*/,
     666             :     const amrex::MFIter& mfi, const amrex::Box& box)
     667             : {
     668             :     BL_PROFILE("Flame::Integrate");
     669         220 :     const Set::Scalar* DX = geom[amrlev].CellSize();
     670         220 :     Set::Scalar dv = AMREX_D_TERM(DX[0], *DX[1], *DX[2]);
     671         220 :     amrex::Array4<amrex::Real> const& eta = (*eta_mf[amrlev]).array(mfi);
     672         220 :     amrex::Array4<amrex::Real> const& mdot = (*mdot_mf[amrlev]).array(mfi);
     673         220 :     if (variable_pressure) {
     674           0 :         amrex::ParallelFor(box, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     675             :         {
     676           0 :             volume += eta(i, j, k, 0) * dv;
     677           0 :             Set::Vector grad = Numeric::Gradient(eta, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     678           0 :             Set::Scalar normgrad = grad.lpNorm<2>();
     679           0 :             Set::Scalar da = normgrad * dv;
     680           0 :             area += da;
     681             : 
     682           0 :             Set::Vector mgrad = Numeric::Gradient(mdot, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     683           0 :             Set::Scalar mnormgrad = mgrad.lpNorm<2>();
     684           0 :             Set::Scalar dm = mnormgrad * dv;
     685           0 :             massflux += dm;
     686             : 
     687           0 :         });
     688             :     }
     689             :     else {
     690         220 :         amrex::ParallelFor(box, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE(int i, int j, int k)
     691             :         {
     692       15560 :             volume += eta(i, j, k, 0) * dv;
     693       15560 :             Set::Vector grad = Numeric::Gradient(eta, i, j, k, 0, DX);
     694       15560 :             Set::Scalar normgrad = grad.lpNorm<2>();
     695       15560 :             Set::Scalar da = normgrad * dv;
     696       15560 :             area += da;
     697       15560 :         });
     698             :     }
     699             :     // time dependent pressure data from experimenta -> p = 0.0954521220950523 * exp(15.289993148880678 * t)
     700         220 : }
     701             : } // namespace Integrator
     702             : 
     703             : 

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